NAME := nomad-driver-skeleton PKG :=$(NAME) CGO_ENABLED := 0 # Set any default go build tags. BUILDTAGS := # Set an output prefix, which is the local directory if not specified PREFIX?=$(shell pwd) GOOSARCHES=linux/amd64 GO=go .PHONY: build build: $(NAME) ## Builds a dynamic executable or package. $(NAME): $(wildcard *.go) $(wildcard */*.go) @echo "+ $@" $(V)GO111MODULE=on GOOS=linux $(GO) build -tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" ${GO_LDFLAGS} -o $(NAME) ./cmd/driver/main.go .PHONY: static static: ## Builds a static executable. @echo "+ $@" CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) $(GO) build \ -tags "$(BUILDTAGS) static_build" \ ${GO_LDFLAGS_STATIC} -o $(NAME) . all: clean build fmt lint test vet .PHONY: fmt fmt: ## Verifies all files have been `gofmt`ed. @echo "+ $@" @gofmt -s -l . | grep -v '.pb.go:' | grep -v vendor | tee /dev/stderr .PHONY: test test: ## Runs the go tests. @echo "+ $@" @$(GO) test -v -tags "$(BUILDTAGS) cgo" $(shell $(GO) list ./... | grep -v vendor) .PHONY: vet vet: ## Verifies `go vet` passes. @echo "+ $@" @$(GO) vet -printfuncs Error,ErrorDepth,Errorf,Errorln,Exit,ExitDepth,Exitf,Exitln,Fatal,FatalDepth,Fatalf,Fatalln,Info,InfoDepth,Infof,Infoln,Warning,WarningDepth,Warningf,Warningln -all ./... .PHONY: clean clean: ## Cleanup any build binaries or packages. @echo "+ $@" $(RM) $(NAME) $(RM) -r $(BUILDDIR) dep: $(V)GO111MODULE=on go mod download $(V)GO111MODULE=on go mod vendor $(V)GO111MODULE=on go mod tidy