+++ title = "Quick Start" weight = 0 sort_by = "weight" template = "documentation.html" +++ *This quick start guide is specifically written with docker and docker-compose to make it more tangible. But nothing prevent your from deploying Aerogramme in production without docker or on other OS like FreeBSD.* ## Pull an image Go to the download page, select a version and follow the instruction steps: Do the same for [Garage](https://garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr/download/), as Aerogramme can't run without Garage. ## Prepare your environment Create a deployment folder: ```bash mkdir /tmp/mailstack && cd /tmp/mailstack ``` *`/tmp` is used as the quick start guide assume you want to evaluate Aerogramme, not deploy it in production. Follow the cookbook for a production deployment.* Add a `docker-compose.yml` file inside it: ```yml version: "3.9" services: aerogramme: image: registry.deuxfleurs.org/aerogramme:{{TAG}} volumes: - ./aerogramme.toml:/etc/aerogramme.toml ports: - 1143:1143 # IMAP - 2424:2424 # LMTP garage: image: docker.io/dxflrs/garage:{{TAG}} volumes: - ./garage.toml:/etc/garage.toml ``` Create empty configuration files for now (they will be filled later but docker requires them now): ```bash touch aerogramme.toml garage.toml ``` *Do not forget to replace `{{TAG}}` by the tag you chose!* ## Setup Garage Create a basic configuration file for Garage: ```bash cat > garage.toml <' dxflrs ``` *replace with netcat* ### Check with netcat *Todo* ### Check with mutt Now you can connect your mailbox with `mutt`. Start by creating a config file, for example we used the following `~/.muttrc` file: ```ini set imap_user = quentin set imap_pass = p455w0rd set folder = imap://localhost:1993 set spoolfile = +INBOX set ssl_starttls = no set ssl_force_tls = no mailboxes = +INBOX bind index G imap-fetch-mail ``` And then simply launch `mutt`. The first time nothing will happen as Aerogramme must process your incoming emails. Just ask `mutt` to refresh its view by pressing `G` (for *Get*). Now, you should see some emails: ![Screenshot of mutt mailbox](./mutt_mb.png) And you can read them: ![Screenshot of mutt mail view](./mutt_mail.png)