+++ title = "Local storage" weight = 5 +++ Currently, Aerogramme does not support local storage (ie. storing emails on your filesystem directly). It might support this feature in the future, but no ETA is announced yet. In the mean time, we will deploy a single-node Garage cluster to store the data. Start by following the [Garage Quickstart](https://garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr/documentation/quick-start/) up to "Creating a cluster layout" (included). ## Setup your storage Create one key per user: ```bash garage key create aerogramme # ... ``` *Do not forget to note the key, it will be needed later.* Create an Aerogramme bucket for each user: ```bash garage bucket create aerogramme-alice garage bucket create aerogramme-bob garage bucket create aerogramme-charlie # ... ``` *Having one bucket per user is an opinionated design choice made to support Aerogramme [Per-user storage, per-user encryption](@/documentation/design/per-user-encryption.md) goal.* And then allow the aerogramme key on each bucket: ```bash garage bucket allow --read --write --key aerogramme aerogramme-alice garage bucket allow --read --write --key aerogramme aerogramme-bob garage bucket allow --read --write --key aerogramme aerogramme-charlie # ... ``` ## Automating it You can automate this by using the [Garage Admin API](https://garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr/documentation/reference-manual/admin-api/) and the [S3 API](https://garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr/documentation/reference-manual/s3-compatibility/). ## Quota You can use Garage per-bucket quota to limit the amount of space a user can use, but such data is not reported on the IMAP side.