+++ title = "Cookbook" weight = 10 sort_by = "weight" template = "documentation.html" +++ This cookbook will guide you from your first steps to a real deployment of Aerogramme. ## Single-node, minimal deployment A minimal deployment will allow you to deploy Aerogramme on a single-server in a way that it works for a small production deployment. However, as Aerogramme is a distributed-first server, you will not benefit from all of its nice properties, and many manual work will be required. - [Static user management](@/documentation/cookbook/static-user-management.md) - [Local storage](@/documentation/cookbook/single-node-garage-storage.md) - [TLS encryption](@/documentation/cookbook/tls-encryption.md) - [Integration with a service manager](@/documentation/cookbook/service-manager.md) (systemd or docker) - [SMTP server integration](@/documentation/cookbook/smtp-server.md) (MTA) ## Multi-nodes, standard deployment Aerogramme is intended for multi-nodes deployment. This guide will cover the specificities introduced by a multi-node deployment. - [LDAP user management](@/documentation/cookbook/ldap.md) - [Distributed storage](@/documentation/cookbook/garage-cluster-storage.md) - [Orchestrators](@/documentation/cookbook/orchestrators.md) - [Auto-discovery](@/documentation/cookbook/autodiscovery.md) ## Lifecycle Hopefully you will love Aerogramme, and thus you will have to do some maintainance on it. - [Updates](@/documentation/cookbook/updates.md) - [Observability](@/documentation/cookbook/observability.md) - [Backups](@/documentation/cookbook/backups.md) ## Hardened flavor - [Manual configuration](@/documentation/cookbook/manual-hardened.md)