+++ title = "Configuration file" weight = 10 +++ In the [quickstart](@/documentation/quick-start/_index.md), you launched Aerogramme in "development mode", that do not require a configuration file. But for a real-world usage, you will need to specificy many things: how your users are managed, which port to use, how and where data is stored, etc. This page describes how to write your first configuration file. If you want a complete reference, check the dedicated [Configuration Reference](@/documentation/reference/config.md) page. ```toml role = "Provider" pid = "aerogramme.pid" [imap_unsecure] bind_addr = "[::]:1143" [lmtp] bind_addr = "[::1]:1025" hostname = "example.tld" [users] user_driver = "Static" user_list = "users.toml" ``` Copy this content in a file named `aerogramme.toml`. Also create an empty file named `users.toml` (Aerogramme does not know how to create it automatically yet). And then you can start Aerogramme with the following configuration file: ```bash aerogramme -c aerogramme.toml provider daemon ```