{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} Aerogramme - Resilient open-source IMAP server with built-in encryption {% endblock title %} {% block content %}



{{ config.extra.organization.description }}

A more resilient & private mailbox design

Each mailbox is represented as an encrypted, sequential log of events

Add or remove an email
Add or remove a flag (like seen/unseen)


Aerogramme design enables the following properties:

  • Privacy friendly

    Per-user encryption of mailboxes.
    Can be run as a local proxy to hide your mailbox content from the server.

  • Easy to operate

    Transparently replicate mailbox and solve conflicts.
    Integrate with your LDAP server.

  • Highly resilient
    Multiple instances of Aerogramme can been run in parallel without coordination.
    Support datacenter failures.


Aerogramme is currently a technical preview. Following released are planned:

  • ⌛0.1.x
    Correct parsing of emails. (~june '23).
  • ⌛0.2.x
    Support of IMAP4rev1. (~september '23).
  • ⌛0.3.x
    Subset of IMAP4rev2. (~december '23).
  • ⌛0.4.x
    CalDAV support. (~february '24).
  • ⌛0.5.x
    CardDAV support.

It works with your email client

Aerogramme integrates into your existing workflow:

Aerogramme implements the IMAP protocol
and thus is already compatible with many applications.

Sponsors and funding

A member of the Deuxfleurs association has received a grant from NLnet, to fund his working on Aerogramme full-time for a year : from March 2023 to February 2024.

If you want to fund Aerogramme development past its initial grant, either through donation or support contract, please get in touch with us

NLnet logo NGI Assure logo

This project was funded through the NGI Assure Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 957073.

{% endblock %}