+++ title = "User Management" weight = 20 +++ Aerogramme can externalize its user management through [LDAP](@/documentation/cookbook/ldap.md), but if you target a simple deployment, it has also an internal user management system that will be covered here. As a pre-requisite, you must have your `aerogramme.toml` file configured for "Static" user management as described in [Configuration file](@/documentation/cookbook/config.md). You also need a configured Garage instance, either [local](@/documentation/cookbook/single-node-garage-storage.md) or [distributed](@/documentation/cookbook/garage-cluster-storage.md). ## Adding users Once you have done all the previous pre-requisites, Aerogramme provides a command-line utility to add a user: ```bash aerogramme provider account add --login alice --setup <(cat <