from imaplib import IMAP4_SSL, IMAP4 from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join import sys # COMMAND USAGE # # start a test IMAP servers: # docker-compose.up # then call this script. eg: # ./ all ./emails/dxflrs/ def rebuild_body_res(b): bb = b'' for e in b: if type(e) is tuple: bb += b'\r\n'.join([p for p in e]) else: bb += e f = bb[bb.find(b'('):] return f mode = sys.argv[1] path = sys.argv[2] base_test_mb = "kzUXL7HyS5OjLcU8" parameters = { "dovecot": { "con": IMAP4_SSL, "port": 993, "user": "test", "pw": "pass", "ext": ".dovecot", "mb": base_test_mb, }, "maddy": { "con": IMAP4_SSL, "port": 994, "user": "", "pw": "pass", "ext": ".maddy", "mb": base_test_mb, }, "cyrus": { "con": IMAP4, "port": 143, "user": "test", "pw": "pass", "ext": ".cyrus", "mb": "INBOX."+base_test_mb, }, "courier": { "con": IMAP4, "port": 144, "user": "debian", "pw": "debian", "ext": ".courier", "mb": base_test_mb, }, "stalwart": { "con": IMAP4_SSL, "port": 1993, "user": "", "pw": "pass", "ext": ".stalwart.0.2.0", "mb": base_test_mb, } } queue = list(parameters.keys()) if mode in parameters: queue = [ mode ] onlyfiles = [join(path, f) for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f)) and len(f) > 4 and f[-4:] == ".eml"] for target in queue: print(f"--- {target} ---") conf = parameters[target] test_mb = conf['mb'] with conf['con'](host="localhost", port=conf['port']) as M: print(M.login(conf['user'], conf['pw'])) print(M.delete(test_mb)) print(M.create(test_mb)) print(M.list()) print( failed = 0 for (idx, f) in enumerate(onlyfiles): f_noext = f[:-4] try: with open(f, 'r+b') as mail: print(M.append(test_mb, [], None, seq = (f"{idx+1-failed}:{idx+1-failed}").encode() (r, b) = M.fetch(seq, "(BODY)") print((r, b)) assert r == 'OK' with open(f_noext + conf['ext'] + ".body", 'w+b') as w: w.write(rebuild_body_res(b)) (r, b) = M.fetch(seq, "(BODYSTRUCTURE)") print((r, b)) assert r == 'OK' with open(f_noext + conf['ext'] + ".bodystructure", 'w+b') as w: w.write(rebuild_body_res(b)) except: failed += 1 print(f"failed {f}") M.close() M.logout()