use std::borrow::Cow; use std::future::Future; use quick_xml::events::{Event, BytesStart, BytesDecl, BytesText}; use quick_xml::events::attributes::AttrError; use quick_xml::name::{Namespace, QName, PrefixDeclaration, ResolveResult, ResolveResult::*}; use quick_xml::reader::NsReader; use tokio::io::AsyncBufRead; use super::types::*; use super::error::ParsingError; use super::xml::{Node, QRead, Reader, IRead, DAV_URN, CAL_URN}; //@TODO (1) Rewrite all objects as Href, // where we return Ok(None) instead of trying to find the object at any cost. // Add a xml.find() -> Result, ParsingError> or similar for the cases we // really need the object // (2) Rewrite QRead and replace Result, _> with Result<_, _>, not found being a possible // error. // (3) Rewrite vectors with xml.collect() -> Result, _> // (4) Something for alternatives would be great but no idea yet // ---- ROOT ---- /// Propfind request impl QRead> for PropFind { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { // Find propfind, "propfind").await?; // Find any tag let propfind: PropFind = loop { match xml.peek() { Event::Start(_) if xml.is_tag(DAV_URN, "allprop") => {, "allprop").await?; let includ = xml.maybe_find::>().await?; let r = PropFind::AllProp(includ); xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "allprop").await?; break r }, Event::Start(_) if xml.is_tag(DAV_URN, "prop") => { break PropFind::Prop(xml.find::>().await?); }, Event::Empty(_) if xml.is_tag(DAV_URN, "allprop") => {; break PropFind::AllProp(None) }, Event::Empty(_) if xml.is_tag(DAV_URN, "propname") => {; break PropFind::PropName }, _ => { xml.skip().await?; }, } }; // Close tag xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "propfind").await?; Ok(propfind) } } /// PROPPATCH request impl QRead> for PropertyUpdate { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "propertyupdate").await?; let collected_items = xml.collect::>().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "propertyupdate").await?; Ok(PropertyUpdate(collected_items)) } } /// Generic response impl> QRead> for Multistatus { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "multistatus").await?; let mut responses = Vec::new(); let mut responsedescription = None; loop { let mut dirty = false; xml.maybe_push(&mut responses, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read(&mut responsedescription, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => xml.skip().await?, }; } } xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "multistatus").await?; Ok(Multistatus { responses, responsedescription }) } } // LOCK REQUEST impl QRead for LockInfo { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "lockinfo").await?; let (mut m_scope, mut m_type, mut owner) = (None, None, None); loop { let mut dirty = false; xml.maybe_read::(&mut m_scope, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::(&mut m_type, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::(&mut owner, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => xml.skip().await?, }; } } xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "lockinfo").await?; match (m_scope, m_type) { (Some(lockscope), Some(locktype)) => Ok(LockInfo { lockscope, locktype, owner }), _ => Err(ParsingError::MissingChild), } } } // LOCK RESPONSE impl QRead> for PropValue { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "prop").await?; let mut acc = xml.collect::>().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "prop").await?; Ok(PropValue(acc)) } } /// Error response impl QRead> for Error { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "error").await?; let violations = xml.collect::>().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "error").await?; Ok(Error(violations)) } } // ---- INNER XML impl> QRead> for Response { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "response").await?; let (mut status, mut error, mut responsedescription, mut location) = (None, None, None, None); let mut href = Vec::new(); let mut propstat = Vec::new(); loop { let mut dirty = false; xml.maybe_read::(&mut status, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_push::(&mut href, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_push::>(&mut propstat, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::>(&mut error, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::(&mut responsedescription, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::(&mut location, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => { xml.skip().await? }, }; } } xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "response").await?; match (status, &propstat[..], &href[..]) { (Some(status), &[], &[_, ..]) => Ok(Response { status_or_propstat: StatusOrPropstat::Status(href, status), error, responsedescription, location, }), (None, &[_, ..], &[_, ..]) => Ok(Response { status_or_propstat: StatusOrPropstat::PropStat(href.into_iter().next().unwrap(), propstat), error, responsedescription, location, }), (Some(_), &[_, ..], _) => Err(ParsingError::InvalidValue), _ => Err(ParsingError::MissingChild), } } } impl> QRead> for PropStat { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "propstat").await?; let (mut m_prop, mut m_status, mut error, mut responsedescription) = (None, None, None, None); loop { let mut dirty = false; xml.maybe_read::(&mut m_prop, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::(&mut m_status, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::>(&mut error, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::(&mut responsedescription, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => xml.skip().await?, }; } } xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "propstat").await?; match (m_prop, m_status) { (Some(prop), Some(status)) => Ok(PropStat { prop, status, error, responsedescription }), _ => Err(ParsingError::MissingChild), } } } impl QRead for Status { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "status").await?; let fullcode = xml.tag_string().await?; let txtcode = fullcode.splitn(3, ' ').nth(1).ok_or(ParsingError::InvalidValue)?; let code = http::status::StatusCode::from_bytes(txtcode.as_bytes()).or(Err(ParsingError::InvalidValue))?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "status").await?; Ok(Status(code)) } } impl QRead for ResponseDescription { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "responsedescription").await?; let cnt = xml.tag_string().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "responsedescription").await?; Ok(ResponseDescription(cnt)) } } impl QRead for Location { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "location").await?; let href = xml.find::().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "location").await?; Ok(Location(href)) } } impl QRead> for PropertyUpdateItem { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { match Remove::qread(xml).await { Err(ParsingError::Recoverable) => (), otherwise => return, } Set::qread(xml) } } impl QRead> for Remove { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "remove").await?; let propname = xml.find::>().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "remove").await?; Ok(Remove(propname)) } } impl QRead> for Set { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "set").await?; let propvalue = xml.find::>().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "set").await?; Ok(Set(propvalue)) } } impl QRead> for Violation { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { let bs = match xml.peek() { Event::Start(b) | Event::Empty(b) => b, _ => return Err(ParsingError::Recoverable), }; // Option 1: a pure DAV property let (ns, loc) = xml.rdr.resolve_element(; if matches!(ns, Bound(Namespace(ns)) if ns == DAV_URN) { match loc.into_inner() { b"lock-token-matches-request-uri" => {; return Ok(Violation::LockTokenMatchesRequestUri) }, b"lock-token-submitted" => {; let links = xml.collect::().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "lock-token-submitted").await?; return Ok(Violation::LockTokenSubmitted(links)) }, b"no-conflicting-lock" => { // start tag; let links = xml.collect::().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "no-conflicting-lock").await?; return Ok(Violation::NoConflictingLock(links)) }, b"no-external-entities" => {; return Ok(Violation::NoExternalEntities) }, b"preserved-live-properties" => {; return Ok(Violation::PreservedLiveProperties) }, b"propfind-finite-depth" => {; return Ok(Violation::PropfindFiniteDepth) }, b"cannot-modify-protected-property" => {; return Ok(Violation::CannotModifyProtectedProperty) }, _ => (), }; } // Option 2: an extension property, delegating E::Error::qread(xml) } } impl QRead> for Include { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "include").await?; let acc = xml.collect::>().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "include").await?; Ok(Include(acc)) } } impl QRead> for PropName { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "prop").await?; let acc = xml.collect::>().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "prop").await?; Ok(PropName(acc)) } } impl QRead> for PropertyRequest { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { let bs = match xml.peek() { Event::Start(b) | Event::Empty(b) => b, _ => return Err(ParsingError::Recoverable), }; // Option 1: a pure core DAV property let (ns, loc) = xml.rdr.resolve_element(; if matches!(ns, Bound(Namespace(ns)) if ns == DAV_URN) { let maybe_res = match loc.into_inner() { b"creationdate" => Some(PropertyRequest::CreationDate), b"displayname" => Some(PropertyRequest::DisplayName), b"getcontentlanguage" => Some(PropertyRequest::GetContentLanguage), b"getcontentlength" => Some(PropertyRequest::GetContentLength), b"getcontenttype" => Some(PropertyRequest::GetContentType), b"getetag" => Some(PropertyRequest::GetEtag), b"getlastmodified" => Some(PropertyRequest::GetLastModified), b"lockdiscovery" => Some(PropertyRequest::LockDiscovery), b"resourcetype" => Some(PropertyRequest::ResourceType), b"supportedlock" => Some(PropertyRequest::SupportedLock), _ => None, }; // Close the current tag if we read something if let Some(res) = maybe_res { xml.skip().await?; return Ok(res) } } // Option 2: an extension property, delegating E::PropertyRequest::qread(xml) } } impl QRead> for Property { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { use chrono::{DateTime, FixedOffset, TimeZone}; let bs = match xml.peek() { Event::Start(b) | Event::Empty(b) => b, _ => return Err(ParsingError::Recoverable), }; // Option 1: a pure core DAV property let (ns, loc) = xml.rdr.resolve_element(; if matches!(ns, Bound(Namespace(ns)) if ns == DAV_URN) { match loc.into_inner() { b"creationdate" => {; let datestr = xml.tag_string().await?; return Ok(Property::CreationDate(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(datestr.as_str())?)) }, b"displayname" => {; return Ok(Property::DisplayName(xml.tag_string().await?)) }, b"getcontentlanguage" => {; return Ok(Property::GetContentLanguage(xml.tag_string().await?)) }, b"getcontentlength" => {; let cl = xml.tag_string().await?.parse::()?; return Ok(Property::GetContentLength(cl)) }, b"getcontenttype" => {; return Ok(Property::GetContentType(xml.tag_string().await?)) }, b"getetag" => {; return Ok(Property::GetEtag(xml.tag_string().await?)) }, b"getlastmodified" => {; let datestr = xml.tag_string().await?; return Ok(Property::CreationDate(DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822(datestr.as_str())?)) }, b"lockdiscovery" => {; let acc = xml.collect::().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "lockdiscovery").await?; return Ok(Property::LockDiscovery(acc)) }, b"resourcetype" => {; let acc = xml.collect::>().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "resourcetype").await?; return Ok(Property::ResourceType(acc)) }, b"supportedlock" => {; let acc = xml.collect::().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "supportedlock").await?; return Ok(Property::SupportedLock(acc)) }, _ => (), }; } // Option 2: an extension property, delegating E::Property::qread(xml) } } impl QRead for ActiveLock { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "activelock").await?; let (mut m_scope, mut m_type, mut m_depth, mut owner, mut timeout, mut locktoken, mut m_root) = (None, None, None, None, None, None, None); loop { let mut dirty = false; xml.maybe_read::(&mut m_scope, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::(&mut m_type, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::(&mut m_depth, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::(&mut owner, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::(&mut timeout, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::(&mut locktoken, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::(&mut m_root, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => { xml.skip().await?; }, } } } xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "activelock").await?; match (m_scope, m_type, m_depth, m_root) { (Some(lockscope), Some(locktype), Some(depth), Some(lockroot)) => Ok(ActiveLock { lockscope, locktype, depth, owner, timeout, locktoken, lockroot }), _ => Err(ParsingError::MissingChild), } } } impl QRead for Depth { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "depth").await?; let depth_str = xml.tag_string().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "depth").await?; match depth_str.as_str() { "0" => Ok(Depth::Zero), "1" => Ok(Depth::One), "infinity" => Ok(Depth::Infinity), _ => Err(ParsingError::WrongToken), } } } impl QRead for Owner { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "owner").await?; let mut owner = Owner::Unknown; loop { match xml.peek() { Event::Text(_) | Event::CData(_) => { let txt = xml.tag_string().await?; if matches!(owner, Owner::Unknown) { owner = Owner::Txt(txt); } } Event::Start(_) | Event::Empty(_) => { match Href::qread(xml).await { Ok(href) => { owner = Owner::Href(href); }, Err(ParsingError::Recoverable) => { xml.skip().await?; }, Err(e) => return Err(e), } } Event::End(_) => break, _ => { xml.skip().await?; }, } }; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "owner").await?; Ok(owner) } } impl QRead for Timeout { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { const SEC_PFX: &str = "SEC_PFX";, "timeout").await?; let timeout = match xml.tag_string().await?.as_str() { "Infinite" => Timeout::Infinite, seconds => match seconds.strip_prefix(SEC_PFX) { Some(secs) => Timeout::Seconds(secs.parse::()?), None => return Err(ParsingError::InvalidValue), }, }; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "timeout").await?; Ok(timeout) } } impl QRead for LockToken { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "locktoken").await?; let href = Href::qread(xml).await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "locktoken").await?; Ok(LockToken(href)) } } impl QRead for LockRoot { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "lockroot").await?; let href = Href::qread(xml).await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "lockroot").await?; Ok(LockRoot(href)) } } impl QRead> for ResourceType { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { match xml.peek() { Event::Empty(b) if xml.is_tag(DAV_URN, "collection") => {; Ok(ResourceType::Collection) }, _ => E::ResourceType::qread(xml), } } } impl QRead for LockEntry { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "lockentry").await?; let (mut maybe_scope, mut maybe_type) = (None, None); loop { let mut dirty = false; xml.maybe_read::(&mut maybe_scope, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read::(&mut maybe_type, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => xml.skip().await?, }; } } xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "lockentry").await?; match (maybe_scope, maybe_type) { (Some(lockscope), Some(locktype)) => Ok(LockEntry { lockscope, locktype }), _ => Err(ParsingError::MissingChild), } } } impl QRead for LockScope { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "lockscope").await?; let lockscope = loop { match xml.peek() { Event::Empty(_) if xml.is_tag(DAV_URN, "exclusive") => {; break LockScope::Exclusive }, Event::Empty(_) if xml.is_tag(DAV_URN, "shared") => {; break LockScope::Shared } _ => xml.skip().await?, }; }; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "lockscope").await?; Ok(lockscope) } } impl QRead for LockType { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "locktype").await?; let locktype = loop { match xml.peek() { Event::Empty(b) if xml.is_tag(DAV_URN, "write") => {; break LockType::Write } _ => xml.skip().await?, }; }; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "locktype").await?; Ok(locktype) } } impl QRead for Href { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "href").await?; let mut url = xml.tag_string().await?; xml.tag_stop(DAV_URN, "href").await?; Ok(Href(url)) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::dav::realization::Core; #[tokio::test] async fn basic_propfind_propname() { let src = r#" "#; let mut rdr = Reader::new(NsReader::from_reader(src.as_bytes())).await.unwrap(); let got = rdr.find::>().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(got, PropFind::::PropName); } #[tokio::test] async fn basic_propfind_prop() { let src = r#" "#; let mut rdr = Reader::new(NsReader::from_reader(src.as_bytes())).await.unwrap(); let got = rdr.find::>().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(got, PropFind::Prop(PropName(vec![ PropertyRequest::DisplayName, PropertyRequest::GetContentLength, PropertyRequest::GetContentType, PropertyRequest::GetEtag, PropertyRequest::GetLastModified, PropertyRequest::ResourceType, PropertyRequest::SupportedLock, ]))); } #[tokio::test] async fn rfc_lock_error() { let src = r#" /locked/ "#; let mut rdr = Reader::new(NsReader::from_reader(src.as_bytes())).await.unwrap(); let got = rdr.find::>().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(got, Error(vec![ Violation::LockTokenSubmitted(vec![ Href("/locked/".into()) ]) ])); } #[tokio::test] async fn rfc_propertyupdate() { let src = r#" Jim Whitehead Roy Fielding "#; let mut rdr = Reader::new(NsReader::from_reader(src.as_bytes())).await.unwrap(); let got = rdr.find::>().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(got, PropertyUpdate(vec![ PropertyUpdateItem::Set(Set(PropValue(vec![]))), PropertyUpdateItem::Remove(Remove(PropName(vec![]))), ])); } #[tokio::test] async fn rfc_lockinfo() { let src = r#" "#; let mut rdr = Reader::new(NsReader::from_reader(src.as_bytes())).await.unwrap(); let got = rdr.find::().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(got, LockInfo { lockscope: LockScope::Exclusive, locktype: LockType::Write, owner: Some(Owner::Href(Href("".into()))), }); } #[tokio::test] async fn rfc_multistatus_name() { let src = r#" HTTP/1.1 200 OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK "#; let mut rdr = Reader::new(NsReader::from_reader(src.as_bytes())).await.unwrap(); let got = rdr.find::>>().await.unwrap(); /*assert_eq!(got, Multistatus { responses: vec![ Response { status_or_propstat: }, Response {}, ], responsedescription: None, });*/ } }