use quick_xml::events::Event; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use super::types as dav; use super::caltypes::*; use super::xml::{QRead, IRead, Reader, Node, DAV_URN, CAL_URN}; use super::error::ParsingError; // ---- ROOT ELEMENTS --- impl QRead> for MkCalendar { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "mkcalendar").await?; let set = xml.find().await?; xml.close().await?; Ok(MkCalendar(set)) } } impl> QRead> for MkCalendarResponse { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "mkcalendar-response").await?; let propstats = xml.collect().await?; xml.close().await?; Ok(MkCalendarResponse(propstats)) } } impl QRead> for CalendarQuery { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "calendar-query").await?; let (mut selector, mut filter, mut timezone) = (None, None, None); loop { let mut dirty = false; xml.maybe_read(&mut selector, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read(&mut filter, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read(&mut timezone, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => xml.skip().await?, }; } } xml.close().await?; match filter { Some(filter) => Ok(CalendarQuery { selector, filter, timezone }), _ => Err(ParsingError::MissingChild), } } } impl QRead> for CalendarMultiget { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "free-busy-query").await?; let mut selector = None; let mut href = Vec::new(); loop { let mut dirty = false; xml.maybe_read(&mut selector, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_push(&mut href, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => xml.skip().await?, }; } } xml.close().await?; Ok(CalendarMultiget { selector, href }) } } impl QRead for FreeBusyQuery { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "calendar-multiple-get").await?; let range = xml.find().await?; xml.close().await?; Ok(FreeBusyQuery(range)) } } // ---- EXTENSIONS --- impl QRead for Violation { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { if xml.maybe_open(DAV_URN, "resource-must-be-null").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::ResourceMustBeNull) } else if xml.maybe_open(DAV_URN, "need-privileges").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::NeedPrivileges) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "calendar-collection-location-ok").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::CalendarCollectionLocationOk) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "valid-calendar-data").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::ValidCalendarData) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "initialize-calendar-collection").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::InitializeCalendarCollection) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "supported-calendar-data").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::SupportedCalendarData) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "valid-calendar-object-resource").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::ValidCalendarObjectResource) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "supported-calendar-component").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::SupportedCalendarComponent) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "no-uid-conflict").await?.is_some() { let href = xml.find().await?; xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::NoUidConflict(href)) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "max-resource-size").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::MaxResourceSize) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "min-date-time").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::MinDateTime) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "max-date-time").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::MaxDateTime) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "max-instances").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::MaxInstances) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "max-attendees-per-instance").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::MaxAttendeesPerInstance) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "valid-filter").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::ValidFilter) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "supported-filter").await?.is_some() { let (mut comp, mut prop, mut param) = (Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new()); loop { let mut dirty = false; xml.maybe_push(&mut comp, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_push(&mut prop, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_push(&mut param, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => xml.skip().await?, }; } } xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::SupportedFilter { comp, prop, param }) } else if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "number-of-matches-within-limits").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; Ok(Self::NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits) } else { Err(ParsingError::Recoverable) } } } impl QRead for Property { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "calendar-description").await?.is_some() { let lang = xml.prev_attr("xml:lang"); let text = xml.tag_string().await?; xml.close().await?; return Ok(Property::CalendarDescription { lang, text }) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "calendar-timezone").await?.is_some() { let tz = xml.tag_string().await?; xml.close().await?; return Ok(Property::CalendarTimezone(tz)) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "supported-calendar-component-set").await?.is_some() { let comp = xml.collect().await?; xml.close().await?; return Ok(Property::SupportedCalendarComponentSet(comp)) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "supported-calendar-data").await?.is_some() { let mime = xml.collect().await?; xml.close().await?; return Ok(Property::SupportedCalendarData(mime)) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "max-resource-size").await?.is_some() { let sz = xml.tag_string().await?.parse::()?; xml.close().await?; return Ok(Property::MaxResourceSize(sz)) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "max-date-time").await?.is_some() { let dtstr = xml.tag_string().await?; let dt = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(dtstr.as_str(), ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)?.and_utc(); xml.close().await?; return Ok(Property::MaxDateTime(dt)) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "max-instances").await?.is_some() { let sz = xml.tag_string().await?.parse::()?; xml.close().await?; return Ok(Property::MaxInstances(sz)) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "max-attendees-per-instance").await?.is_some() { let sz = xml.tag_string().await?.parse::()?; xml.close().await?; return Ok(Property::MaxAttendeesPerInstance(sz)) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "supported-collation-set").await?.is_some() { let cols = xml.collect().await?; xml.close().await?; return Ok(Property::SupportedCollationSet(cols)) } let mut dirty = false; let mut caldata: Option = None; xml.maybe_read(&mut caldata, &mut dirty).await?; if let Some(cal) = caldata { return Ok(Property::CalendarData(cal)) } Err(ParsingError::Recoverable) } } impl QRead for PropertyRequest { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "calendar-description").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::CalendarDescription) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "calendar-timezone").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::CalendarTimezone) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "supported-calendar-component-set").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::SupportedCalendarComponentSet) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "supported-calendar-data").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::SupportedCalendarData) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "max-resource-size").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::MaxResourceSize) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "min-date-time").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::MinDateTime) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "max-date-time").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::MaxDateTime) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "max-instances").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::MaxInstances) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "max-attendees-per-instance").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::MaxAttendeesPerInstance) } if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "supported-collation-set").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::SupportedCollationSet) } let mut dirty = false; let mut m_cdr = None; xml.maybe_read(&mut m_cdr, &mut dirty).await?; m_cdr.ok_or(ParsingError::Recoverable).map(Self::CalendarData) } } impl QRead for ResourceType { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "calendar").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::Calendar) } Err(ParsingError::Recoverable) } } // ---- INNER XML ---- impl QRead for SupportedCollation { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "supported-collation").await?; let col = Collation::new(xml.tag_string().await?); xml.close().await?; Ok(SupportedCollation(col)) } } impl QRead for CalendarDataPayload { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "calendar-data").await?; let mime = CalendarDataSupport::qread(xml).await.ok(); let payload = xml.tag_string().await?; xml.close().await?; Ok(CalendarDataPayload { mime, payload }) } } impl QRead for CalendarDataSupport { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { let ct = xml.prev_attr("content-type"); let vs = xml.prev_attr("version"); match (ct, vs) { (Some(content_type), Some(version)) => Ok(Self { content_type, version }), _ => Err(ParsingError::Recoverable), } } } impl QRead for CalendarDataRequest { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "calendar-data").await?; let mime = CalendarDataSupport::qread(xml).await.ok(); let (mut comp, mut recurrence, mut limit_freebusy_set) = (None, None, None); loop { let mut dirty = false; xml.maybe_read(&mut comp, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read(&mut recurrence, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read(&mut limit_freebusy_set, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => xml.skip().await?, }; } } xml.close().await?; Ok(Self { mime, comp, recurrence, limit_freebusy_set }) } } impl QRead for CalendarDataEmpty { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "calendar-data").await?; let mime = CalendarDataSupport::qread(xml).await.ok(); xml.close().await?; Ok(Self(mime)) } } impl QRead for Comp { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "comp").await?; let name = Component::new(xml.prev_attr("name").ok_or(ParsingError::MissingAttribute)?); let additional_rules = Box::pin(xml.maybe_find()).await?; xml.close().await?; Ok(Self { name, additional_rules }) } } impl QRead for CompInner { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { let (mut prop_kind, mut comp_kind) = (None, None); loop { let mut dirty = false; xml.maybe_read(&mut prop_kind, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read(&mut comp_kind, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => xml.skip().await?, }; } }; match (prop_kind, comp_kind) { (Some(prop_kind), Some(comp_kind)) => Ok(Self { prop_kind, comp_kind }), _ => Err(ParsingError::MissingChild), } } } impl QRead for CompSupport { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "comp").await?; println!("before"); let inner = Component::new(xml.prev_attr("name").ok_or(ParsingError::MissingAttribute)?); println!("after"); xml.close().await?; Ok(Self(inner)) } } impl QRead for CompKind { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { let mut comp = Vec::new(); loop { let mut dirty = false; if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "allcomp").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(CompKind::AllComp) } xml.maybe_push(&mut comp, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => xml.skip().await?, }; } } Ok(CompKind::Comp(comp)) } } impl QRead for PropKind { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { let mut prop = Vec::new(); loop { let mut dirty = false; if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "allprop").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(PropKind::AllProp) } xml.maybe_push(&mut prop, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => xml.skip().await?, }; } } Ok(PropKind::Prop(prop)) } } impl QRead for RecurrenceModifier { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { match Expand::qread(xml).await { Err(ParsingError::Recoverable) => (), otherwise => return, } LimitRecurrenceSet::qread(xml) } } impl QRead for Expand { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "expand").await?; let (rstart, rend) = match (xml.prev_attr("start"), xml.prev_attr("end")) { (Some(start), Some(end)) => (start, end), _ => return Err(ParsingError::MissingAttribute), }; let start = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(rstart.as_str(), ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)?.and_utc(); let end = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(rend.as_str(), ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)?.and_utc(); if start > end { return Err(ParsingError::InvalidValue) } xml.close().await?; Ok(Expand(start, end)) } } impl QRead for LimitRecurrenceSet { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "limit-recurrence-set").await?; let (rstart, rend) = match (xml.prev_attr("start"), xml.prev_attr("end")) { (Some(start), Some(end)) => (start, end), _ => return Err(ParsingError::MissingAttribute), }; let start = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(rstart.as_str(), ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)?.and_utc(); let end = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(rend.as_str(), ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)?.and_utc(); if start > end { return Err(ParsingError::InvalidValue) } xml.close().await?; Ok(LimitRecurrenceSet(start, end)) } } impl QRead for LimitFreebusySet { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "limit-freebusy-set").await?; let (rstart, rend) = match (xml.prev_attr("start"), xml.prev_attr("end")) { (Some(start), Some(end)) => (start, end), _ => return Err(ParsingError::MissingAttribute), }; let start = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(rstart.as_str(), ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)?.and_utc(); let end = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(rend.as_str(), ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)?.and_utc(); if start > end { return Err(ParsingError::InvalidValue) } xml.close().await?; Ok(LimitFreebusySet(start, end)) } } impl QRead> for CalendarSelector { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { // allprop if let Some(_) = xml.maybe_open(DAV_URN, "allprop").await? { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::AllProp) } // propname if let Some(_) = xml.maybe_open(DAV_URN, "propname").await? { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::PropName) } // prop let (mut maybe_prop, mut dirty) = (None, false); xml.maybe_read::>(&mut maybe_prop, &mut dirty).await?; if let Some(prop) = maybe_prop { return Ok(Self::Prop(prop)) } Err(ParsingError::Recoverable) } } impl QRead for CompFilter { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "comp-filter").await?; let name = Component::new(xml.prev_attr("name").ok_or(ParsingError::MissingAttribute)?); let additional_rules = Box::pin(xml.maybe_find()).await?; xml.close().await?; Ok(Self { name, additional_rules }) } } impl QRead for CompFilterRules { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "is-not-defined").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::IsNotDefined) } CompFilterMatch::qread(xml) } } impl QRead for CompFilterMatch { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { let mut time_range = None; let mut prop_filter = Vec::new(); let mut comp_filter = Vec::new(); loop { let mut dirty = false; xml.maybe_read(&mut time_range, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_push(&mut prop_filter, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_push(&mut comp_filter, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => xml.skip().await?, }; } } match (&time_range, &prop_filter[..], &comp_filter[..]) { (None, [], []) => Err(ParsingError::Recoverable), _ => Ok(CompFilterMatch { time_range, prop_filter, comp_filter }), } } } impl QRead for PropFilter { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "prop-filter").await?; let name = ComponentProperty(xml.prev_attr("name").ok_or(ParsingError::MissingAttribute)?); let additional_rules = xml.maybe_find().await?; xml.close().await?; Ok(Self { name, additional_rules }) } } impl QRead for PropFilterRules { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "is-not-defined").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::IsNotDefined) } PropFilterMatch::qread(xml) } } impl QRead for PropFilterMatch { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { let mut time_range = None; let mut time_or_text = None; let mut param_filter = Vec::new(); loop { let mut dirty = false; xml.maybe_read(&mut time_range, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_read(&mut time_or_text, &mut dirty).await?; xml.maybe_push(&mut param_filter, &mut dirty).await?; if !dirty { match xml.peek() { Event::End(_) => break, _ => xml.skip().await?, }; } } match (&time_range, &time_or_text, ¶m_filter[..]) { (None, None, []) => Err(ParsingError::Recoverable), _ => Ok(PropFilterMatch { time_range, time_or_text, param_filter }), } } } impl QRead for ParamFilter { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "param-filter").await?; let name = PropertyParameter(xml.prev_attr("name").ok_or(ParsingError::MissingAttribute)?); let additional_rules = xml.maybe_find().await?; xml.close().await?; Ok(Self { name, additional_rules }) } } impl QRead for TimeOrText { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { match TimeRange::qread(xml).await { Err(ParsingError::Recoverable) => (), otherwise => return, } TextMatch::qread(xml) } } impl QRead for TextMatch { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "text-match").await?; let collation = xml.prev_attr("collation").map(Collation::new); let negate_condition = xml.prev_attr("negate-condition").map(|v| v == "yes"); let text = xml.tag_string().await?; xml.close().await?; Ok(Self { collation, negate_condition, text }) } } impl QRead for ParamFilterMatch { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result { if xml.maybe_open(CAL_URN, "is-not-defined").await?.is_some() { xml.close().await?; return Ok(Self::IsNotDefined) } TextMatch::qread(xml) } } impl QRead for TimeZone { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "timezone").await?; let inner = xml.tag_string().await?; xml.close().await?; Ok(Self(inner)) } } impl QRead for Filter { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "timezone").await?; let comp_filter = xml.find().await?; xml.close().await?; Ok(Self(comp_filter)) } } impl QRead for TimeRange { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "time-range").await?; let start = match xml.prev_attr("start") { Some(r) => Some(NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(r.as_str(), ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)?.and_utc()), _ => None, }; let end = match xml.prev_attr("end") { Some(r) => Some(NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(r.as_str(), ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)?.and_utc()), _ => None, }; xml.close().await?; match (start, end) { (Some(start), Some(end)) => { if start > end { return Err(ParsingError::InvalidValue) } Ok(TimeRange::FullRange(start, end)) }, (Some(start), None) => Ok(TimeRange::OnlyStart(start)), (None, Some(end)) => Ok(TimeRange::OnlyEnd(end)), (None, None) => Err(ParsingError::MissingAttribute), } } } impl QRead for CalProp { async fn qread(xml: &mut Reader) -> Result {, "prop").await?; let name = ComponentProperty(xml.prev_attr("name").ok_or(ParsingError::MissingAttribute)?); let novalue = xml.prev_attr("novalue").map(|v| v == "yes"); xml.close().await?; Ok(Self { name, novalue }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; //use chrono::{FixedOffset, TimeZone}; use crate::realization::Calendar; //use quick_reader::NsReader; async fn deserialize>(src: &str) -> T { let mut rdr = Reader::new(quick_xml::NsReader::from_reader(src.as_bytes())).await.unwrap(); rdr.find().await.unwrap() } #[tokio::test] async fn basic_mkcalendar() { let expected = MkCalendar(dav::Set(dav::PropValue(vec![ dav::Property::DisplayName("Lisa's Events".into()), ]))); let src = r#" Lisa's Events "#; let got = deserialize::>(src).await; assert_eq!(got, expected) } #[tokio::test] async fn rfc_mkcalendar() { let expected = MkCalendar(dav::Set(dav::PropValue(vec![ dav::Property::DisplayName("Lisa's Events".into()), dav::Property::Extension(Property::CalendarDescription { lang: Some("en".into()), text: "Calendar restricted to events.".into(), }), dav::Property::Extension(Property::SupportedCalendarComponentSet(vec![ CompSupport(Component::VEvent) ])), dav::Property::Extension(Property::CalendarTimezone("BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nPRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN\nVERSION:2.0\nEND:VCALENDAR".into())), ]))); let src = r#" Lisa's Events Calendar restricted to events. "#; let got = deserialize::>(src).await; assert_eq!(got, expected) } }