pub mod ldap_provider; pub mod static_provider; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::sync::Arc; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result}; use async_trait::async_trait; use rand::prelude::*; use crate::cryptoblob::*; use crate::storage::*; /// The trait LoginProvider defines the interface for a login provider that allows /// to retrieve storage and cryptographic credentials for access to a user account /// from their username and password. #[async_trait] pub trait LoginProvider { /// The login method takes an account's password as an input to decypher /// decryption keys and obtain full access to the user's account. async fn login(&self, username: &str, password: &str) -> Result; /// The public_login method takes an account's email address and returns /// public credentials for adding mails to the user's inbox. async fn public_login(&self, email: &str) -> Result; } /// ArcLoginProvider is simply an alias on a structure that is used /// in many places in the code pub type ArcLoginProvider = Arc; /// The struct Credentials represent all of the necessary information to interact /// with a user account's data after they are logged in. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Credentials { /// The storage credentials are used to authenticate access to the underlying storage (S3, K2V) pub storage: Builders, /// The cryptographic keys are used to encrypt and decrypt data stored in S3 and K2V pub keys: CryptoKeys, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct PublicCredentials { /// The storage credentials are used to authenticate access to the underlying storage (S3, K2V) pub storage: Builders, pub public_key: PublicKey, } /// The struct UserSecrets represents intermediary secrets that are mixed in with the user's /// password when decrypting the cryptographic keys that are stored in their bucket. /// These secrets should be stored somewhere else (e.g. in the LDAP server or in the /// local config file), as an additionnal authentification factor so that the password /// isn't enough just alone to decrypt the content of a user's bucket. pub struct UserSecrets { /// The main user secret that will be used to encrypt keys when a new password is added pub user_secret: String, /// Alternative user secrets that will be tried when decrypting keys that were encrypted /// with old passwords pub alternate_user_secrets: Vec, } /// The struct CryptoKeys contains the cryptographic keys used to encrypt and decrypt /// data in a user's mailbox. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct CryptoKeys { /// Master key for symmetric encryption of mailbox data pub master: Key, /// Public/private keypair for encryption of incomming emails (secret part) pub secret: SecretKey, /// Public/private keypair for encryption of incomming emails (public part) pub public: PublicKey, } // ---- impl Credentials { pub fn row_client(&self) -> Result { Ok( } pub fn blob_client(&self) -> Result { Ok( } } impl CryptoKeys { pub async fn init( storage: &Builders, user_secrets: &UserSecrets, password: &str, ) -> Result { // Check that salt and public don't exist already let k2v = storage.row_store()?; let (salt_ct, public_ct) = Self::check_uninitialized(&k2v).await?; // Generate salt for password identifiers let mut ident_salt = [0u8; 32]; thread_rng().fill(&mut ident_salt); // Generate (public, private) key pair and master key let (public, secret) = gen_keypair(); let master = gen_key(); let keys = CryptoKeys { master, secret, public, }; // Generate short password digest (= password identity) let ident = argon2_kdf(&ident_salt, password.as_bytes(), 16)?; // Generate salt for KDF let mut kdf_salt = [0u8; 32]; thread_rng().fill(&mut kdf_salt); // Calculate key for password secret box let password_key = user_secrets.derive_password_key(&kdf_salt, password)?; // Seal a secret box that contains our crypto keys let password_sealed = seal(&keys.serialize(), &password_key)?; let password_sortkey = format!("password:{}", hex::encode(&ident)); let password_blob = [&kdf_salt[..], &password_sealed].concat(); // Write values to storage k2v.insert_batch(&[ k2v_insert_single_key("keys", "salt", salt_ct, ident_salt), k2v_insert_single_key("keys", "public", public_ct, keys.public), k2v_insert_single_key("keys", &password_sortkey, None, &password_blob), ]) .await .context("InsertBatch for salt, public, and password")?; Ok(keys) } pub async fn init_without_password( storage: &Builders, master: &Key, secret: &SecretKey, ) -> Result { // Check that salt and public don't exist already let k2v = storage.row_store()?; let (salt_ct, public_ct) = Self::check_uninitialized(&k2v).await?; // Generate salt for password identifiers let mut ident_salt = [0u8; 32]; thread_rng().fill(&mut ident_salt); // Create CryptoKeys struct from given keys let public = secret.public_key(); let keys = CryptoKeys { master: master.clone(), secret: secret.clone(), public, }; // Write values to storage k2v.insert_batch(&[ k2v_insert_single_key("keys", "salt", salt_ct, ident_salt), k2v_insert_single_key("keys", "public", public_ct, keys.public), ]) .await .context("InsertBatch for salt and public")?; Ok(keys) } pub async fn open( storage: &Builders, user_secrets: &UserSecrets, password: &str, ) -> Result { let k2v = storage.k2v_client()?; let (ident_salt, expected_public) = Self::load_salt_and_public(&k2v).await?; // Generate short password digest (= password identity) let ident = argon2_kdf(&ident_salt, password.as_bytes(), 16)?; // Lookup password blob let password_sortkey = format!("password:{}", hex::encode(&ident)); let password_blob = { let mut val = match k2v.read_item("keys", &password_sortkey).await { Err(k2v_client::Error::NotFound) => { bail!("invalid password") } x => x?, }; if val.value.len() != 1 { bail!("multiple values for password in storage"); } match val.value.pop().unwrap() { K2vValue::Value(v) => v, K2vValue::Tombstone => bail!("invalid password"), } }; // Try to open blob let kdf_salt = &password_blob[..32]; let password_openned = user_secrets.try_open_encrypted_keys(kdf_salt, password, &password_blob[32..])?; let keys = Self::deserialize(&password_openned)?; if keys.public != expected_public { bail!("Password public key doesn't match stored public key"); } Ok(keys) } pub async fn open_without_password( storage: &Builders, master: &Key, secret: &SecretKey, ) -> Result { let k2v = storage.row_store()?; let (_ident_salt, expected_public) = Self::load_salt_and_public(&k2v).await?; // Create CryptoKeys struct from given keys let public = secret.public_key(); let keys = CryptoKeys { master: master.clone(), secret: secret.clone(), public, }; // Check public key matches if keys.public != expected_public { bail!("Given public key doesn't match stored public key"); } Ok(keys) } pub async fn add_password( &self, storage: &Builders, user_secrets: &UserSecrets, password: &str, ) -> Result<()> { let k2v = storage.row_store()?; let (ident_salt, _public) = Self::load_salt_and_public(&k2v).await?; // Generate short password digest (= password identity) let ident = argon2_kdf(&ident_salt, password.as_bytes(), 16)?; // Generate salt for KDF let mut kdf_salt = [0u8; 32]; thread_rng().fill(&mut kdf_salt); // Calculate key for password secret box let password_key = user_secrets.derive_password_key(&kdf_salt, password)?; // Seal a secret box that contains our crypto keys let password_sealed = seal(&self.serialize(), &password_key)?; let password_sortkey = format!("password:{}", hex::encode(&ident)); let password_blob = [&kdf_salt[..], &password_sealed].concat(); // List existing passwords to overwrite existing entry if necessary let ct = match k2v.read_item("keys", &password_sortkey).await { Err(k2v_client::Error::NotFound) => None, v => { let entry = v?; if entry.value.iter().any(|x| matches!(x, K2vValue::Value(_))) { bail!("password already exists"); } Some(entry.causality) } }; // Write values to storage k2v.insert_batch(&[k2v_insert_single_key( "keys", &password_sortkey, ct, &password_blob, )]) .await .context("InsertBatch for new password")?; Ok(()) } pub async fn delete_password( storage: &Builders, password: &str, allow_delete_all: bool, ) -> Result<()> { let k2v = storage.row_client()?; let (ident_salt, _public) = Self::load_salt_and_public(&k2v).await?; // Generate short password digest (= password identity) let ident = argon2_kdf(&ident_salt, password.as_bytes(), 16)?; let password_sortkey = format!("password:{}", hex::encode(&ident)); // List existing passwords let existing_passwords = Self::list_existing_passwords(&k2v).await?; // Check password is there let pw = existing_passwords .get(&password_sortkey) .ok_or(anyhow!("password does not exist"))?; if !allow_delete_all && existing_passwords.len() < 2 { bail!("No other password exists, not deleting last password."); } k2v.delete_item("keys", &password_sortkey, pw.causality.clone()) .await .context("DeleteItem for password")?; Ok(()) } // ---- STORAGE UTIL ---- async fn check_uninitialized( k2v: &RowStore, ) -> Result<(RowRef, RowRef)> { let params = k2v .select(Selector::List(vec![ ("keys", "salt"), ("keys", "public"), ])) .await .context("ReadBatch for salt and public in check_uninitialized")?; if params.len() != 2 { bail!( "Invalid response from k2v storage: {:?} (expected two items)", params ); } let salt_ct = params[0].to_ref(); if params[0].content().iter().any(|x| matches!(x, Alternative::Value(_))) { bail!("key storage already initialized"); } let public_ct = params[1].to_ref(); if params[1].content().iter().any(|x| matches!(x, Alternative::Value(_))) { bail!("key storage already initialized"); } Ok((salt_ct, public_ct)) } pub async fn load_salt_and_public(k2v: &K2vClient) -> Result<([u8; 32], PublicKey)> { let mut params = k2v .read_batch(&[ k2v_read_single_key("keys", "salt", false), k2v_read_single_key("keys", "public", false), ]) .await .context("ReadBatch for salt and public in load_salt_and_public")?; if params.len() != 2 { bail!( "Invalid response from k2v storage: {:?} (expected two items)", params ); } if params[0].items.len() != 1 || params[1].items.len() != 1 { bail!("cryptographic keys not initialized for user"); } // Retrieve salt from given response let salt_vals = &mut params[0].items.iter_mut().next().unwrap().1.value; if salt_vals.len() != 1 { bail!("Multiple values for `salt`"); } let salt: Vec = match &mut salt_vals[0] { K2vValue::Value(v) => std::mem::take(v), K2vValue::Tombstone => bail!("salt is a tombstone"), }; if salt.len() != 32 { bail!("`salt` is not 32 bytes long"); } let mut salt_constlen = [0u8; 32]; salt_constlen.copy_from_slice(&salt); // Retrieve public from given response let public_vals = &mut params[1].items.iter_mut().next().unwrap().1.value; if public_vals.len() != 1 { bail!("Multiple values for `public`"); } let public: Vec = match &mut public_vals[0] { K2vValue::Value(v) => std::mem::take(v), K2vValue::Tombstone => bail!("public is a tombstone"), }; let public = PublicKey::from_slice(&public).ok_or(anyhow!("Invalid public key length"))?; Ok((salt_constlen, public)) } async fn list_existing_passwords(k2v: &K2vClient) -> Result> { let mut res = k2v .read_batch(&[BatchReadOp { partition_key: "keys", filter: Filter { start: None, end: None, prefix: Some("password:"), limit: None, reverse: false, }, conflicts_only: false, tombstones: false, single_item: false, }]) .await .context("ReadBatch for prefix password: in list_existing_passwords")?; if res.len() != 1 { bail!("unexpected k2v result: {:?}, expected one item", res); } Ok(res.pop().unwrap().items) } fn serialize(&self) -> [u8; 64] { let mut res = [0u8; 64]; res[..32].copy_from_slice(self.master.as_ref()); res[32..].copy_from_slice(self.secret.as_ref()); res } fn deserialize(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result { if bytes.len() != 64 { bail!("Invalid length: {}, expected 64", bytes.len()); } let master = Key::from_slice(&bytes[..32]).unwrap(); let secret = SecretKey::from_slice(&bytes[32..]).unwrap(); let public = secret.public_key(); Ok(Self { master, secret, public, }) } } impl UserSecrets { fn derive_password_key_with(user_secret: &str, kdf_salt: &[u8], password: &str) -> Result { let tmp = format!("{}\n\n{}", user_secret, password); Ok(Key::from_slice(&argon2_kdf(kdf_salt, tmp.as_bytes(), 32)?).unwrap()) } fn derive_password_key(&self, kdf_salt: &[u8], password: &str) -> Result { Self::derive_password_key_with(&self.user_secret, kdf_salt, password) } fn try_open_encrypted_keys( &self, kdf_salt: &[u8], password: &str, encrypted_keys: &[u8], ) -> Result> { let secrets_to_try = std::iter::once(&self.user_secret).chain(self.alternate_user_secrets.iter()); for user_secret in secrets_to_try { let password_key = Self::derive_password_key_with(user_secret, kdf_salt, password)?; if let Ok(res) = open(encrypted_keys, &password_key) { return Ok(res); } } bail!("Unable to decrypt password blob."); } } // ---- UTIL ---- pub fn argon2_kdf(salt: &[u8], password: &[u8], output_len: usize) -> Result> { use argon2::{Algorithm, Argon2, ParamsBuilder, PasswordHasher, Version}; let mut params = ParamsBuilder::new(); params .output_len(output_len) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Invalid output length: {}", e))?; let params = params .params() .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Invalid argon2 params: {}", e))?; let argon2 = Argon2::new(Algorithm::default(), Version::default(), params); let salt = base64::encode_config(salt, base64::STANDARD_NO_PAD); let hash = argon2 .hash_password(password, &salt) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Unable to hash: {}", e))?; let hash = hash.hash.ok_or(anyhow!("Missing output"))?; assert!(hash.len() == output_len); Ok(hash.as_bytes().to_vec()) }