// Package exampleplugin is an example Go plugin for koushin. // // To enable it, import this package from cmd/koushin/main.go. package exampleplugin import ( "fmt" "net/http" "git.sr.ht/~emersion/koushin" koushinbase "git.sr.ht/~emersion/koushin/plugins/base" ) func init() { p := koushin.GoPlugin{Name: "example"} // Setup a function called when the mailbox view is rendered p.Inject("mailbox.html", func(ctx *koushin.Context, kdata koushin.RenderData) error { data := kdata.(*koushinbase.MailboxRenderData) fmt.Println("The mailbox view for " + data.Mailbox.Name + " is being rendered") // Set extra data that can be accessed from the mailbox.html template data.Extra["Example"] = "Hi from Go" return nil }) // Wire up a new route p.GET("/example", func(ctx *koushin.Context) error { return ctx.String(http.StatusOK, "This is an example page.") }) // Register a helper function that can be called from templates p.TemplateFuncs(map[string]interface{}{ "example_and": func(a, b string) string { return a + " and " + b }, }) koushin.RegisterPluginLoader(p.Loader()) }