Drew DeVault cbeacf9d06 Copy unsent messages to Outbox
This patch:

1. Copies unsent messages to the outbox before attempting to deliver
   them with SMTP
2. Deletes those messages once they're sent, or leaves them if an error
3. Updates the message list to make it obvious when there are unsent
   messages in the outbox
2020-10-30 11:47:23 -04:00

618 lines
13 KiB

package alpsbase
import (
imapclient ""
imapspecialuse ""
type MailboxInfo struct {
Active bool
Total int
Unseen int
func (mbox *MailboxInfo) URL() *url.URL {
return &url.URL{
Path: fmt.Sprintf("/mailbox/%v", url.PathEscape(mbox.Name)),
func (mbox *MailboxInfo) HasAttr(flag string) bool {
for _, attr := range mbox.Attributes {
if attr == flag {
return true
return false
func listMailboxes(conn *imapclient.Client) ([]MailboxInfo, error) {
ch := make(chan *imap.MailboxInfo, 10)
done := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
done <- conn.List("", "*", ch)
var mailboxes []MailboxInfo
for mbox := range ch {
mailboxes = append(mailboxes, MailboxInfo{mbox, false, -1, -1})
if err := <-done; err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to list mailboxes: %v", err)
sort.Slice(mailboxes, func(i, j int) bool {
if mailboxes[i].Name == "INBOX" {
return true
if mailboxes[j].Name == "INBOX" {
return false
return mailboxes[i].Name < mailboxes[j].Name
return mailboxes, nil
type MailboxStatus struct {
func (mbox *MailboxStatus) URL() *url.URL {
return &url.URL{
Path: fmt.Sprintf("/mailbox/%v", url.PathEscape(mbox.Name)),
func getMailboxStatus(conn *imapclient.Client, name string) (*MailboxStatus, error) {
items := []imap.StatusItem{
status, err := conn.Status(name, items)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get mailbox status: %v", err)
return &MailboxStatus{status}, nil
type mailboxType int
const (
mailboxSent mailboxType = iota
mailboxOutbox mailboxType = iota
func getMailboxByType(conn *imapclient.Client, mboxType mailboxType) (*MailboxInfo, error) {
ch := make(chan *imap.MailboxInfo, 10)
done := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
done <- conn.List("", "%", ch)
// TODO: configurable fallback names?
var attr string
var fallbackNames []string
switch mboxType {
case mailboxSent:
attr = imapspecialuse.Sent
fallbackNames = []string{"Sent"}
case mailboxDrafts:
attr = imapspecialuse.Drafts
fallbackNames = []string{"Draft", "Drafts"}
case mailboxOutbox:
attr = ""
fallbackNames = []string{"Outbox"}
var attrMatched bool
var best *imap.MailboxInfo
for mbox := range ch {
for _, a := range mbox.Attributes {
if attr == a {
best = mbox
attrMatched = true
if attrMatched {
for _, fallback := range fallbackNames {
if strings.EqualFold(fallback, mbox.Name) {
best = mbox
if err := <-done; err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get mailbox with attribute %q: %v", attr, err)
if best == nil {
return nil, nil
return &MailboxInfo{best, false, -1, -1}, nil
func ensureMailboxSelected(conn *imapclient.Client, mboxName string) error {
mbox := conn.Mailbox()
if mbox == nil || mbox.Name != mboxName {
if _, err := conn.Select(mboxName, false); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to select mailbox: %v", err)
return nil
type IMAPMessage struct {
Mailbox string
func (msg *IMAPMessage) URL() *url.URL {
return &url.URL{
Path: fmt.Sprintf("/message/%v/%v", url.PathEscape(msg.Mailbox), msg.Uid),
func newIMAPPartNode(msg *IMAPMessage, path []int, part *imap.BodyStructure) *IMAPPartNode {
filename, _ := part.Filename()
return &IMAPPartNode{
Path: path,
MIMEType: strings.ToLower(part.MIMEType + "/" + part.MIMESubType),
Filename: filename,
Message: msg,
Size: part.Size,
func (msg *IMAPMessage) TextPart() *IMAPPartNode {
if msg.BodyStructure == nil {
return nil
var best *IMAPPartNode
isTextPlain := false
msg.BodyStructure.Walk(func(path []int, part *imap.BodyStructure) bool {
if !strings.EqualFold(part.MIMEType, "text") {
return true
if part.Disposition != "" && !strings.EqualFold(part.Disposition, "inline") {
return true
switch strings.ToLower(part.MIMESubType) {
case "plain":
isTextPlain = true
best = newIMAPPartNode(msg, path, part)
case "html":
if !isTextPlain {
best = newIMAPPartNode(msg, path, part)
return true
return best
func (msg *IMAPMessage) HTMLPart() *IMAPPartNode {
if msg.BodyStructure == nil {
return nil
var best *IMAPPartNode
msg.BodyStructure.Walk(func(path []int, part *imap.BodyStructure) bool {
if !strings.EqualFold(part.MIMEType, "text") {
return true
if part.Disposition != "" && !strings.EqualFold(part.Disposition, "inline") {
return true
if part.MIMESubType == "html" {
best = newIMAPPartNode(msg, path, part)
return true
return best
func (msg *IMAPMessage) Attachments() []IMAPPartNode {
if msg.BodyStructure == nil {
return nil
var attachments []IMAPPartNode
msg.BodyStructure.Walk(func(path []int, part *imap.BodyStructure) bool {
if !strings.EqualFold(part.Disposition, "attachment") {
return true
attachments = append(attachments, *newIMAPPartNode(msg, path, part))
return true
return attachments
func pathsEqual(a, b []int) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if a[i] != b[i] {
return false
return true
func (msg *IMAPMessage) PartByPath(path []int) *IMAPPartNode {
if msg.BodyStructure == nil {
return nil
if len(path) == 0 {
return newIMAPPartNode(msg, nil, msg.BodyStructure)
var result *IMAPPartNode
msg.BodyStructure.Walk(func(p []int, part *imap.BodyStructure) bool {
if result == nil && pathsEqual(path, p) {
result = newIMAPPartNode(msg, p, part)
return result == nil
return result
func (msg *IMAPMessage) PartByID(id string) *IMAPPartNode {
if msg.BodyStructure == nil || id == "" {
return nil
var result *IMAPPartNode
msg.BodyStructure.Walk(func(path []int, part *imap.BodyStructure) bool {
if result == nil && part.Id == "<"+id+">" {
result = newIMAPPartNode(msg, path, part)
return result == nil
return result
type IMAPPartNode struct {
Path []int
MIMEType string
Filename string
Children []IMAPPartNode
Message *IMAPMessage
Size uint32
func (node IMAPPartNode) PathString() string {
l := make([]string, len(node.Path))
for i, partNum := range node.Path {
l[i] = strconv.Itoa(partNum)
return strings.Join(l, ".")
func (node IMAPPartNode) SizeString() string {
return humanize.IBytes(uint64(node.Size))
func (node IMAPPartNode) URL(raw bool) *url.URL {
u := node.Message.URL()
if raw {
u.Path += "/raw"
q := u.Query()
q.Set("part", node.PathString())
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
return u
func (node IMAPPartNode) IsText() bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(node.MIMEType), "text/")
func (node IMAPPartNode) String() string {
if node.Filename != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", node.Filename, node.MIMEType)
} else {
return node.MIMEType
func imapPartTree(msg *IMAPMessage, bs *imap.BodyStructure, path []int) *IMAPPartNode {
if !strings.EqualFold(bs.MIMEType, "multipart") && len(path) == 0 {
path = []int{1}
filename, _ := bs.Filename()
node := &IMAPPartNode{
Path: path,
MIMEType: strings.ToLower(bs.MIMEType + "/" + bs.MIMESubType),
Filename: filename,
Children: make([]IMAPPartNode, len(bs.Parts)),
Message: msg,
Size: bs.Size,
for i, part := range bs.Parts {
num := i + 1
partPath := append([]int(nil), path...)
partPath = append(partPath, num)
node.Children[i] = *imapPartTree(msg, part, partPath)
return node
func (msg *IMAPMessage) PartTree() *IMAPPartNode {
if msg.BodyStructure == nil {
return nil
return imapPartTree(msg, msg.BodyStructure, nil)
func (msg *IMAPMessage) HasFlag(flag string) bool {
for _, f := range msg.Flags {
if imap.CanonicalFlag(f) == flag {
return true
return false
func listMessages(conn *imapclient.Client, mbox *MailboxStatus, page, messagesPerPage int) ([]IMAPMessage, error) {
if err := ensureMailboxSelected(conn, mbox.Name); err != nil {
return nil, err
to := int(mbox.Messages) - page*messagesPerPage
from := to - messagesPerPage + 1
if from <= 0 {
from = 1
if to <= 0 {
return nil, nil
var seqSet imap.SeqSet
seqSet.AddRange(uint32(from), uint32(to))
fetch := []imap.FetchItem{
ch := make(chan *imap.Message, 10)
done := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
done <- conn.Fetch(&seqSet, fetch, ch)
msgs := make([]IMAPMessage, 0, to-from)
for msg := range ch {
msgs = append(msgs, IMAPMessage{msg, mbox.Name})
if err := <-done; err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch message list: %v", err)
// Reverse list of messages
for i := len(msgs)/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
opp := len(msgs) - 1 - i
msgs[i], msgs[opp] = msgs[opp], msgs[i]
return msgs, nil
func searchMessages(conn *imapclient.Client, mboxName, query string, page, messagesPerPage int) (msgs []IMAPMessage, total int, err error) {
if err := ensureMailboxSelected(conn, mboxName); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
criteria := PrepareSearch(query)
nums, err := conn.Search(criteria)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("UID SEARCH failed: %v", err)
total = len(nums)
from := page * messagesPerPage
to := from + messagesPerPage
if from >= len(nums) {
return nil, total, nil
if to > len(nums) {
to = len(nums)
nums = nums[from:to]
indexes := make(map[uint32]int)
for i, num := range nums {
indexes[num] = i
var seqSet imap.SeqSet
fetch := []imap.FetchItem{
ch := make(chan *imap.Message, 10)
done := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
done <- conn.Fetch(&seqSet, fetch, ch)
msgs = make([]IMAPMessage, len(nums))
for msg := range ch {
i, ok := indexes[msg.SeqNum]
if !ok {
msgs[i] = IMAPMessage{msg, mboxName}
if err := <-done; err != nil {
return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch message list: %v", err)
return msgs, total, nil
func getMessagePart(conn *imapclient.Client, mboxName string, uid uint32, partPath []int) (*IMAPMessage, *message.Entity, error) {
if err := ensureMailboxSelected(conn, mboxName); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
seqSet := new(imap.SeqSet)
var partHeaderSection imap.BodySectionName
partHeaderSection.Peek = true
if len(partPath) > 0 {
partHeaderSection.Specifier = imap.MIMESpecifier
} else {
partHeaderSection.Specifier = imap.HeaderSpecifier
partHeaderSection.Path = partPath
var partBodySection imap.BodySectionName
if len(partPath) > 0 {
partBodySection.Specifier = imap.EntireSpecifier
} else {
partBodySection.Specifier = imap.TextSpecifier
partBodySection.Path = partPath
fetch := []imap.FetchItem{
ch := make(chan *imap.Message, 1)
if err := conn.UidFetch(seqSet, fetch, ch); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch message: %v", err)
msg := <-ch
if msg == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("server didn't return message")
body := msg.GetBody(&partHeaderSection)
if body == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("server didn't return message")
headerReader := bufio.NewReader(body)
h, err := textproto.ReadHeader(headerReader)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read part header: %v", err)
part, err := message.New(message.Header{h}, msg.GetBody(&partBodySection))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create message reader: %v", err)
return &IMAPMessage{msg, mboxName}, part, nil
func markMessageAnswered(conn *imapclient.Client, mboxName string, uid uint32) error {
if err := ensureMailboxSelected(conn, mboxName); err != nil {
return err
seqSet := new(imap.SeqSet)
item := imap.FormatFlagsOp(imap.AddFlags, true)
flags := []interface{}{imap.AnsweredFlag}
return conn.UidStore(seqSet, item, flags, nil)
func appendMessage(c *imapclient.Client, msg *OutgoingMessage, mboxType mailboxType) (saved bool, err error) {
mbox, err := getMailboxByType(c, mboxType)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if mbox == nil {
return false, nil
// IMAP needs to know in advance the final size of the message, so
// there's no way around storing it in a buffer here.
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := msg.WriteTo(&buf); err != nil {
return false, err
flags := []string{imap.SeenFlag}
if mboxType == mailboxDrafts {
flags = append(flags, imap.DraftFlag)
if err := c.Append(mbox.Name, flags, time.Now(), &buf); err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
func deleteMessage(c *imapclient.Client, mboxName string, uid uint32) error {
if err := ensureMailboxSelected(c, mboxName); err != nil {
return err
seqSet := new(imap.SeqSet)
item := imap.FormatFlagsOp(imap.AddFlags, true)
flags := []interface{}{imap.DeletedFlag}
if err := c.UidStore(seqSet, item, flags, nil); err != nil {
return err
return c.Expunge(nil)