package sftp type fxerr uint32 // Error types that match the SFTP's SSH_FXP_STATUS codes. Gives you more // direct control of the errors being sent vs. letting the library work them // out from the standard os/io errors. const ( ErrSSHFxOk = fxerr(sshFxOk) ErrSSHFxEOF = fxerr(sshFxEOF) ErrSSHFxNoSuchFile = fxerr(sshFxNoSuchFile) ErrSSHFxPermissionDenied = fxerr(sshFxPermissionDenied) ErrSSHFxFailure = fxerr(sshFxFailure) ErrSSHFxBadMessage = fxerr(sshFxBadMessage) ErrSSHFxNoConnection = fxerr(sshFxNoConnection) ErrSSHFxConnectionLost = fxerr(sshFxConnectionLost) ErrSSHFxOpUnsupported = fxerr(sshFxOPUnsupported) ) // Deprecated error types, these are aliases for the new ones, please use the new ones directly const ( ErrSshFxOk = ErrSSHFxOk ErrSshFxEof = ErrSSHFxEOF ErrSshFxNoSuchFile = ErrSSHFxNoSuchFile ErrSshFxPermissionDenied = ErrSSHFxPermissionDenied ErrSshFxFailure = ErrSSHFxFailure ErrSshFxBadMessage = ErrSSHFxBadMessage ErrSshFxNoConnection = ErrSSHFxNoConnection ErrSshFxConnectionLost = ErrSSHFxConnectionLost ErrSshFxOpUnsupported = ErrSSHFxOpUnsupported ) func (e fxerr) Error() string { switch e { case ErrSSHFxOk: return "OK" case ErrSSHFxEOF: return "EOF" case ErrSSHFxNoSuchFile: return "no such file" case ErrSSHFxPermissionDenied: return "permission denied" case ErrSSHFxBadMessage: return "bad message" case ErrSSHFxNoConnection: return "no connection" case ErrSSHFxConnectionLost: return "connection lost" case ErrSSHFxOpUnsupported: return "operation unsupported" default: return "failure" } }