package message import "fmt" // BindRequest ::= [APPLICATION 0] SEQUENCE { // version INTEGER (1 .. 127), // name LDAPDN, // authentication AuthenticationChoice } func (request *BindRequest) Name() LDAPDN { return } func (request *BindRequest) Authentication() AuthenticationChoice { return request.authentication } func (request *BindRequest) AuthenticationSimple() OCTETSTRING { return request.Authentication().(OCTETSTRING) } func (request *BindRequest) AuthenticationChoice() string { switch request.Authentication().(type) { case OCTETSTRING: return "simple" case SaslCredentials: return "sasl" } return "" } func readBindRequest(bytes *Bytes) (bindrequest BindRequest, err error) { err = bytes.ReadSubBytes(classApplication, TagBindRequest, bindrequest.readComponents) if err != nil { err = LdapError{fmt.Sprintf("readBindRequest:\n%s", err.Error())} return } return } func (request *BindRequest) readComponents(bytes *Bytes) (err error) { request.version, err = readINTEGER(bytes) if err != nil { err = LdapError{fmt.Sprintf("readComponents:\n%s", err.Error())} return } if !(request.version >= BindRequestVersionMin && request.version <= BindRequestVersionMax) { err = LdapError{fmt.Sprintf("readComponents: invalid version %d, must be between %d and %d", request.version, BindRequestVersionMin, BindRequestVersionMax)} return }, err = readLDAPDN(bytes) if err != nil { err = LdapError{fmt.Sprintf("readComponents:\n%s", err.Error())} return } request.authentication, err = readAuthenticationChoice(bytes) if err != nil { err = LdapError{fmt.Sprintf("readComponents:\n%s", err.Error())} return } return } func (request BindRequest) write(bytes *Bytes) (size int) { switch request.authentication.(type) { case OCTETSTRING: size += request.authentication.(OCTETSTRING).writeTagged(bytes, classContextSpecific, TagAuthenticationChoiceSimple) case SaslCredentials: size += request.authentication.(SaslCredentials).writeTagged(bytes, classContextSpecific, TagAuthenticationChoiceSaslCredentials) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown authentication choice: %#v", request.authentication)) } size += size += request.version.write(bytes) size += bytes.WriteTagAndLength(classApplication, isCompound, TagBindRequest, size) return } func (request BindRequest) size() (size int) { size += request.version.size() size += switch request.authentication.(type) { case OCTETSTRING: size += request.authentication.(OCTETSTRING).sizeTagged(TagAuthenticationChoiceSimple) case SaslCredentials: size += request.authentication.(SaslCredentials).sizeTagged(TagAuthenticationChoiceSaslCredentials) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown authentication choice: %#v", request.authentication)) } size += sizeTagAndLength(TagBindRequest, size) return }