Quentin 563fc272a3
Vendor goldap, fix ASN.1 BER integer and length encoding
- Add tests for goldap to prevent regressions
 - Disable reconnection for our functional tests
2021-09-16 13:09:26 +02:00

30 lines
803 B

package message
import "fmt"
// MatchingRuleId ::= LDAPString
func readTaggedMatchingRuleId(bytes *Bytes, class int, tag int) (matchingruleid MatchingRuleId, err error) {
var ldapstring LDAPString
ldapstring, err = readTaggedLDAPString(bytes, class, tag)
if err != nil {
err = LdapError{fmt.Sprintf("readTaggedMatchingRuleId:\n%s", err.Error())}
matchingruleid = MatchingRuleId(ldapstring)
func (m MatchingRuleId) Pointer() *MatchingRuleId { return &m }
// MatchingRuleId ::= LDAPString
func (m MatchingRuleId) writeTagged(bytes *Bytes, class int, tag int) int {
return LDAPString(m).writeTagged(bytes, class, tag)
// MatchingRuleId ::= LDAPString
func (m MatchingRuleId) sizeTagged(tag int) int {
return LDAPString(m).sizeTagged(tag)