use std::net::SocketAddrV4; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use igd::{aio::*, PortMappingProtocol}; use log::*; use tokio::{ select, sync::watch, time::{self, Duration}, }; use crate::messages; pub struct IgdActor { last_ports: messages::PublicExposedPorts, rx_ports: watch::Receiver, gateway: Gateway, refresh: Duration, expire: Duration, private_ip: String, } impl IgdActor { pub async fn new( priv_ip: Option<&str>, refresh: Duration, expire: Duration, rxp: &watch::Receiver, ) -> Result { let gw = search_gateway(Default::default()) .await .context("Failed to find IGD gateway")?; info!("IGD gateway: {}", gw); let private_ip = if let Some(ip) = priv_ip { info!("Using private IP from config: {}", ip); ip.to_string() } else { info!("Trying to automatically detect private IP"); let gwa = gw.addr.ip().octets(); let cmplen = match gwa { [192, 168, _, _] => 3, [10, _, _, _] => 2, _ => panic!( "Gateway IP does not appear to be in a local network ({})", gw.addr.ip() ), }; #[allow(unused_parens)] let public_ip = get_if_addrs::get_if_addrs()? .into_iter() .map(|i| i.addr.ip()) .filter(|a| match a { std::net::IpAddr::V4(a4) => (a4.octets()[..cmplen] == gwa[..cmplen]), _ => false, }) .next() .expect("No interface has an IP on same subnet as gateway") .to_string(); info!("Found private IP: {}", public_ip); public_ip }; let ctx = Self { gateway: gw, rx_ports: rxp.clone(), private_ip, refresh: refresh, expire: expire, last_ports: messages::PublicExposedPorts::new(), }; return Ok(ctx); } pub async fn listen(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let mut interval = time::interval(self.refresh); loop { // 1. Wait for an event let new_ports = select! { _ = self.rx_ports.changed() => Some(self.rx_ports.borrow().clone()), _ = interval.tick() => None, else => return Ok(()) // Sender dropped, terminate loop. }; // 2. Update last ports if needed if let Some(p) = new_ports { self.last_ports = p; } // 3. Flush IGD requests match self.do_igd().await { Ok(()) => debug!("Successfully updated IGD"), Err(e) => error!("An error occured while updating IGD. {}", e), } } } pub async fn do_igd(&self) -> Result<()> { let actions = [ (PortMappingProtocol::TCP, &self.last_ports.tcp_ports), (PortMappingProtocol::UDP, &self.last_ports.udp_ports), ]; for (proto, list) in actions.iter() { for port in *list { let service_str = format!("{}:{}", self.private_ip, port); let service = service_str .parse::() .context("Invalid socket address")?; self.gateway .add_port( *proto, *port, service, self.expire.as_secs() as u32, "diplonat", ) .await?; debug!("IGD request successful for {:#?} {}", proto, service); } } return Ok(()); } }