use nom::IResult; use crate::header::{header, self}; use crate::imf; use crate::mime; use crate::part::{self, AnyPart, field::MixedField}; use crate::text::boundary::{boundary, Delimiter}; //--- Multipart #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Multipart<'a> { pub interpreted: mime::MIME<'a, mime::r#type::Multipart>, pub children: Vec>, pub preamble: &'a [u8], pub epilogue: &'a [u8], } impl<'a> Multipart<'a> { pub fn with_epilogue(mut self, e: &'a [u8]) -> Self { self.epilogue = e; self } } pub fn multipart<'a>( m: mime::MIME<'a, mime::r#type::Multipart>, ) -> impl Fn(&'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], Multipart<'a>> { let m = m.clone(); move |input| { let bound = m.interpreted.boundary.as_bytes(); let (mut input_loop, preamble) = part::part_raw(bound)(input)?; let mut mparts: Vec = vec![]; loop { let input = match boundary(bound)(input_loop) { Err(_) => { return Ok(( input_loop, Multipart { interpreted: m.clone(), children: mparts, preamble, epilogue: &[], }, )) } Ok((inp, Delimiter::Last)) => { return Ok(( inp, Multipart { interpreted: m.clone(), children: mparts, preamble, epilogue: &[], }, )) } Ok((inp, Delimiter::Next)) => inp, }; // parse mime headers, otherwise pick default mime let (input, naive_mime) = match header(mime::field::content)(input) { Ok((input, (known, unknown, bad))) => (input, known.into_iter().collect::().with_opt(unknown).with_bad(bad)), Err(_) => (input, mime::NaiveMIME::default()), }; // interpret mime according to context let mime = match m.interpreted.subtype { mime::r#type::MultipartSubtype::Digest => naive_mime.to_interpreted::().into(), _ => naive_mime.to_interpreted::().into(), }; // parse raw part let (input, rpart) = part::part_raw(bound)(input)?; // parse mime body mparts.push(part::to_anypart(mime, rpart)); input_loop = input; } } } //--- Message #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Message<'a> { pub interpreted: mime::MIME<'a, mime::r#type::Message>, pub imf: imf::Imf<'a>, pub child: Box>, pub epilogue: &'a [u8], } impl<'a> Message<'a> { pub fn with_epilogue(mut self, e: &'a [u8]) -> Self { self.epilogue = e; self } } pub fn message<'a>( m: mime::MIME<'a, mime::r#type::Message>, ) -> impl Fn(&'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], Message<'a>> { move |input: &[u8]| { // parse header fields let (input, (known, unknown, bad)): (_, (Vec::, Vec, Vec<&[u8]>)) = header(part::field::mixed_field)(input)?; // aggregate header fields let (naive_mime, imf) = part::field::sections(known); // attach bad headers to imf let imf = imf.with_opt(unknown).with_bad(bad); // interpret headers to choose a mime type let in_mime = naive_mime.to_interpreted::().into(); // parse this mimetype let part = part::to_anypart(in_mime, input); Ok(( &[], Message { interpreted: m.clone(), imf, child: Box::new(part), epilogue: &[], }, )) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::part::discrete::Text; use crate::part::AnyPart; use crate::text::encoding::{Base64Word, EncodedWord, QuotedChunk, QuotedWord}; use crate::text::misc_token::{Phrase, UnstrToken, Unstructured, Word, MIMEWord}; use crate::text::quoted::QuotedString; use chrono::{FixedOffset, TimeZone}; #[test] fn test_multipart() { let base_mime = mime::MIME { interpreted: mime::r#type::Multipart { subtype: mime::r#type::MultipartSubtype::Alternative, boundary: "simple boundary".to_string(), }, parsed: mime::NaiveMIME::default(), }; assert_eq!( multipart(base_mime.clone())(b"This is the preamble. It is to be ignored, though it is a handy place for composition agents to include an explanatory note to non-MIME conformant readers. --simple boundary This is implicitly typed plain US-ASCII text. It does NOT end with a linebreak. --simple boundary Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii This is explicitly typed plain US-ASCII text. It DOES end with a linebreak. --simple boundary-- This is the epilogue. It is also to be ignored. "), Ok((&b"\nThis is the epilogue. It is also to be ignored.\n"[..], Multipart { interpreted: base_mime, preamble: &b"This is the preamble. It is to be ignored, though it\nis a handy place for composition agents to include an\nexplanatory note to non-MIME conformant readers.\n"[..], epilogue: &b""[..], children: vec![ AnyPart::Txt(Text { interpreted: mime::MIME { interpreted: mime::r#type::Text { subtype: mime::r#type::TextSubtype::Plain, charset: mime::charset::EmailCharset::US_ASCII, }, parsed: mime::NaiveMIME::default(), }, body: &b"This is implicitly typed plain US-ASCII text.\nIt does NOT end with a linebreak."[..], }), AnyPart::Txt(Text { interpreted: mime::MIME { interpreted: mime::r#type::Text { subtype: mime::r#type::TextSubtype::Plain, charset: mime::charset::EmailCharset::US_ASCII, }, parsed: mime::NaiveMIME { ctype: Some(mime::r#type::NaiveType { main: &b"text"[..], sub: &b"plain"[..], params: vec![ mime::r#type::Parameter { name: &b"charset"[..], value: MIMEWord::Atom(&b"us-ascii"[..]), } ] }), ..mime::NaiveMIME::default() }, }, body: &b"This is explicitly typed plain US-ASCII text.\nIt DOES end with a linebreak.\n"[..], }), ], }, )) ); } #[test] fn test_message() { let fullmail: &[u8] = r#"Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2023 07:14:29 +0200 From: Grrrnd Zero To: John Doe CC: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9?= Pirard Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?SWYgeW91IGNhbiByZWFkIHRoaXMgeW8=?= =?ISO-8859-2?B?dSB1bmRlcnN0YW5kIHRoZSBleGFtcGxlLg==?= X-Unknown: something something Bad entry on multiple lines Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="b1_e376dc71bafc953c0b0fdeb9983a9956" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --b1_e376dc71bafc953c0b0fdeb9983a9956 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable GZ OoOoO oOoOoOoOo oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO --b1_e376dc71bafc953c0b0fdeb9983a9956 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
--b1_e376dc71bafc953c0b0fdeb9983a9956-- "# .as_bytes(); let base_mime = mime::MIME::::default(); assert_eq!( message(base_mime.clone())(fullmail), Ok(( &[][..], Message { interpreted: base_mime, epilogue: &b""[..], imf: imf::Imf { date: Some(FixedOffset::east_opt(2 * 3600) .unwrap() .with_ymd_and_hms(2023, 07, 8, 7, 14, 29) .unwrap()), from: vec![ imf::mailbox::MailboxRef { name: Some(Phrase(vec![Word::Atom(&b"Grrrnd"[..]), Word::Atom(&b"Zero"[..])])), addrspec: imf::mailbox::AddrSpec { local_part: imf::mailbox::LocalPart(vec![ imf::mailbox::LocalPartToken::Word(Word::Atom(&b"grrrndzero"[..])) ]), domain: imf::mailbox::Domain::Atoms(vec![&b"example"[..], &b"org"[..]]), } }, ], to: vec![imf::address::AddressRef::Single(imf::mailbox::MailboxRef { name: Some(Phrase(vec![Word::Atom(&b"John"[..]), Word::Atom(&b"Doe"[..])])), addrspec: imf::mailbox::AddrSpec { local_part: imf::mailbox::LocalPart(vec![ imf::mailbox::LocalPartToken::Word(Word::Atom(&b"jdoe"[..])) ]), domain: imf::mailbox::Domain::Atoms(vec![&b"machine"[..], &b"example"[..]]), } })], cc: vec![imf::address::AddressRef::Single(imf::mailbox::MailboxRef { name: Some(Phrase(vec![ Word::Encoded(EncodedWord::Quoted(QuotedWord { enc: encoding_rs::WINDOWS_1252, chunks: vec![ QuotedChunk::Safe(&b"Andr"[..]), QuotedChunk::Encoded(vec![0xE9]), ], })), Word::Atom(&b"Pirard"[..]) ])), addrspec: imf::mailbox::AddrSpec { local_part: imf::mailbox::LocalPart(vec![ imf::mailbox::LocalPartToken::Word(Word::Atom(&b"PIRARD"[..])) ]), domain: imf::mailbox::Domain::Atoms(vec![ &b"vm1"[..], &b"ulg"[..], &b"ac"[..], &b"be"[..], ]), } })], subject: Some(Unstructured(vec![ UnstrToken::Encoded(EncodedWord::Base64(Base64Word{ enc: encoding_rs::WINDOWS_1252, content: &b"SWYgeW91IGNhbiByZWFkIHRoaXMgeW8"[..], })), UnstrToken::Encoded(EncodedWord::Base64(Base64Word{ enc: encoding_rs::ISO_8859_2, content: &b"dSB1bmRlcnN0YW5kIHRoZSBleGFtcGxlLg"[..], })), ])), msg_id: Some(imf::identification::MessageID { left: &b"NTAxNzA2AC47634Y366BAMTY4ODc5MzQyODY0ODY5"[..], right: &b""[..], }), mime_version: Some(imf::mime::Version { major: 1, minor: 0}), header_ext: vec![ header::Kv(&b"X-Unknown"[..], Unstructured(vec![ UnstrToken::Plain(&b"something"[..]), UnstrToken::Plain(&b"something"[..]), ])) ], header_bad: vec![ &b"Bad entry\n on multiple lines\n"[..], ], ..imf::Imf::default() }, child: Box::new(AnyPart::Mult(Multipart { interpreted: mime::MIME { interpreted: mime::r#type::Multipart { subtype: mime::r#type::MultipartSubtype::Alternative, boundary: "b1_e376dc71bafc953c0b0fdeb9983a9956".to_string(), }, parsed: mime::NaiveMIME { ctype: Some(mime::r#type::NaiveType { main: &b"multipart"[..], sub: &b"alternative"[..], params: vec![ mime::r#type::Parameter { name: &b"boundary"[..], value: MIMEWord::Quoted(QuotedString(vec![&b"b1_e376dc71bafc953c0b0fdeb9983a9956"[..]])), } ] }), ..mime::NaiveMIME::default() }, }, preamble: &b"This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n"[..], epilogue: &b""[..], children: vec![ AnyPart::Txt(Text { interpreted: mime::MIME { interpreted: mime::r#type::Text { subtype: mime::r#type::TextSubtype::Plain, charset: mime::charset::EmailCharset::UTF_8, }, parsed: mime::NaiveMIME { ctype: Some(mime::r#type::NaiveType { main: &b"text"[..], sub: &b"plain"[..], params: vec![ mime::r#type::Parameter { name: &b"charset"[..], value: MIMEWord::Atom(&b"utf-8"[..]), } ] }), transfer_encoding: mime::mechanism::Mechanism::QuotedPrintable, ..mime::NaiveMIME::default() } }, body: &b"GZ\nOoOoO\noOoOoOoOo\noOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo\noOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo\noOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo\nOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO\n"[..], }), AnyPart::Txt(Text { interpreted: mime::MIME { interpreted: mime::r#type::Text { subtype: mime::r#type::TextSubtype::Html, charset: mime::charset::EmailCharset::US_ASCII, }, parsed: mime::NaiveMIME { ctype: Some(mime::r#type::NaiveType { main: &b"text"[..], sub: &b"html"[..], params: vec![ mime::r#type::Parameter { name: &b"charset"[..], value: MIMEWord::Atom(&b"us-ascii"[..]), } ] }), ..mime::NaiveMIME::default() }, }, body: &br#"
"#[..], }), ], })), }, )) ); } }