use std::collections::HashMap; use nom::{ IResult, branch::alt, bytes::complete::tag, character::complete::space0, combinator::{map, not, opt, recognize}, multi::{fold_many0, many0, many1}, sequence::{delimited, preceded, terminated, pair, tuple}, }; use crate::{address, common_fields, identification, mailbox, model, misc_token, whitespace}; enum RestField<'a> { // 3.6.6. Resent Fields ResentDate(model::HeaderDate), ResentFrom(Vec), ResentSender(model::MailboxRef), ResentTo(Vec), ResentCc(Vec), ResentBcc(Vec), ResentMessageID(model::MessageId<'a>), // 3.6.8. Optional fields OptionalField(&'a str, String), } enum PreludeField { // 3.6.7. Trace Fields ReturnPath(String), Received(Vec), } /// Section /// /// Optional fields are allowed everywhere in this implementation... /// /// ```abnf ///*(trace /// *(optional-field / /// resent-date / /// resent-from / /// resent-sender / /// resent-to / /// resent-cc / /// resent-bcc / /// resent-msg-id)) /// ``` pub fn section(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, model::Trace> { let (input, (path, recv)) = prelude(input)?; let (input, mut full_trace) = fold_many0( alt((resent_field, unknown_field)), model::Trace::default, |mut trace, field| { match field { RestField::ResentDate(date) => { trace.resent_date = date; } RestField::ResentFrom(from) => { trace.resent_from = from; } RestField::ResentSender(sender) => { trace.resent_sender = Some(sender); } RestField::ResentTo(to) => { trace.resent_to = to; } RestField::ResentCc(cc) => { trace.resent_cc = cc; } RestField::ResentBcc(bcc) => { trace.resent_bcc = bcc; } RestField::ResentMessageID(mid) => { trace.resent_msg_id = Some(mid); } RestField::OptionalField(name, body) => { trace.optional.insert(name, body); } }; trace } )(input)?; full_trace.received = recv; full_trace.return_path = path; Ok((input, full_trace)) } /// Trace prelude /// /// ```abnf /// trace = [return] /// 1*received /// return = "Return-Path:" path CRLF /// path = angle-addr / ([CFWS] "<" [CFWS] ">" [CFWS]) /// received = "Received:" *received-token ";" date-time CRLF /// received-token = word / angle-addr / addr-spec / domain /// ``` fn prelude(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, (Option, Vec<&str>)> { let (input, (return_path, received)) = pair( opt(return_path_field), many1(received_field), )(input)?; Ok((input, (return_path.flatten(), received))) } fn return_path_field(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Option> { delimited( pair(tag("Return-Path:"), space0), path, whitespace::perm_crlf, )(input) } fn path(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Option> { alt(( map(mailbox::angle_addr, |a| Some(a)), empty_path ))(input) } fn empty_path(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Option> { let (input, _) = tuple(( opt(whitespace::cfws), tag("<"), opt(whitespace::cfws), tag(">"), opt(whitespace::cfws), ))(input)?; Ok((input, None)) } fn received_field(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { let (input, (_, tk, _, _, _)) = tuple(( pair(tag("Received:"), space0), recognize(many0(received_tokens)), tag(";"), common_fields::datetime, whitespace::perm_crlf, ))(input)?; Ok((input, tk)) } fn received_tokens(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt(( recognize(mailbox::angle_addr), recognize(mailbox::addr_spec), recognize(mailbox::domain_part), recognize(misc_token::word), ))(input) } fn resent_field(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, RestField> { terminated( alt(( resent_date, resent_from, resent_sender, resent_to, resent_cc, resent_bcc, resent_msg_id, )), whitespace::perm_crlf, )(input) } fn resent_date(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, RestField> { let (input, body) = preceded(pair(tag("Resent-Date:"), space0), common_fields::datetime)(input)?; Ok((input, RestField::ResentDate(body))) } fn resent_from(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, RestField> { let (input, body) = preceded(pair(tag("Resent-From:"), space0), address::mailbox_list)(input)?; Ok((input, RestField::ResentFrom(body))) } fn resent_sender(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, RestField> { let (input, body) = preceded(pair(tag("Resent-Sender:"), space0), mailbox::mailbox)(input)?; Ok((input, RestField::ResentSender(body))) } fn resent_to(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, RestField> { let (input, body) = preceded(pair(tag("Resent-To:"), space0), address::address_list)(input)?; Ok((input, RestField::ResentTo(body))) } fn resent_cc(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, RestField> { let (input, body) = preceded(pair(tag("Resent-Cc:"), space0), address::address_list)(input)?; Ok((input, RestField::ResentCc(body))) } fn resent_bcc(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, RestField> { let (input, body) = preceded( pair(tag("Resent-Bcc:"), space0), opt(alt((address::address_list, address::address_list_cfws))), )(input)?; Ok((input, RestField::ResentBcc(body.unwrap_or(vec![])))) } fn resent_msg_id(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, RestField> { let (input, body) = preceded(pair(tag("Resent-Message-ID:"), space0), identification::msg_id)(input)?; Ok((input, RestField::ResentMessageID(body))) } fn unknown_field(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, RestField> { // Check that we: // 1. do not start a new trace // 2. do not start the common fields not(prelude)(input)?; not(common_fields::header_field)(input)?; // Extract field name let (input, field_name) = common_fields::field_name(input)?; let (input, body) = misc_token::unstructured(input)?; let (input, _) = whitespace::perm_crlf(input)?; Ok((input, RestField::OptionalField(field_name, body))) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use chrono::{FixedOffset, TimeZone}; #[test] fn test_section() { let hdrs = r#"Return-Path: Received: from ([]) by server with LMTP id xxxxxxxxx (envelope-from ) for ; Tue, 13 Jun 2023 19:01:08 +0000 Resent-Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 21:01:07 +0200 Resent-From: Resent-Sender: X-Specific: XOXO Resent-To: Annah Resent-Cc: Empty:; Resent-Bcc: Resent-Message-ID: "#; assert_eq!( section(hdrs), Ok(("", model::Trace { return_path: Some(model::MailboxRef { name: None, addrspec: model::AddrSpec { local_part: "gitlab".into(), domain: "".into(), } }), received: vec![ r#"from ([]) by server with LMTP id xxxxxxxxx (envelope-from ) for "#, ], resent_date: model::HeaderDate::Parsed( FixedOffset::east_opt(2 * 3600) .unwrap() .with_ymd_and_hms(2023, 06, 13, 21, 1, 7) .unwrap()), resent_from: vec![ model::MailboxRef { name: None, addrspec: model::AddrSpec { local_part: "you".into(), domain: "".into(), } } ], resent_sender: Some(model::MailboxRef { name: None, addrspec: model::AddrSpec { local_part: "you".into(), domain: "".into(), } }), resent_to: vec![ model::AddressRef::Single(model::MailboxRef { name: Some("Annah".into()), addrspec: model::AddrSpec { local_part: "annah".into(), domain: "".into(), } }) ], resent_cc: vec![ model::AddressRef::Many(model::GroupRef { name: "Empty".into(), participants: vec![], }) ], resent_bcc: vec![], resent_msg_id: Some(model::MessageId { left: "note_1985938", right: "", }), optional: HashMap::from([("X-Specific", "XOXO".into())]), })) ); } }