
144 lines
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/// Parse and represent IMF (Internet Message Format) headers (RFC822, RFC5322)
pub mod address;
pub mod datetime;
pub mod field;
pub mod identification;
pub mod mailbox;
pub mod mime;
pub mod trace;
use nom::{combinator::map, IResult};
use crate::header;
use crate::imf::address::AddressRef;
use crate::imf::field::Field;
use crate::imf::identification::MessageID;
use crate::imf::mailbox::{AddrSpec, MailboxRef};
use crate::imf::mime::Version;
use crate::imf::trace::ReceivedLog;
use crate::text::misc_token::{PhraseList, Unstructured};
use chrono::{DateTime, FixedOffset};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct Imf<'a> {
// 3.6.1. The Origination Date Field
pub date: Option<DateTime<FixedOffset>>,
// 3.6.2. Originator Fields
pub from: Vec<MailboxRef<'a>>,
pub sender: Option<MailboxRef<'a>>,
pub reply_to: Vec<AddressRef<'a>>,
// 3.6.3. Destination Address Fields
pub to: Vec<AddressRef<'a>>,
pub cc: Vec<AddressRef<'a>>,
pub bcc: Vec<AddressRef<'a>>,
// 3.6.4. Identification Fields
pub msg_id: Option<MessageID<'a>>,
pub in_reply_to: Vec<MessageID<'a>>,
pub references: Vec<MessageID<'a>>,
// 3.6.5. Informational Fields
pub subject: Option<Unstructured<'a>>,
pub comments: Vec<Unstructured<'a>>,
pub keywords: Vec<PhraseList<'a>>,
// 3.6.6 Not implemented
// 3.6.7 Trace Fields
pub return_path: Vec<AddrSpec<'a>>,
pub received: Vec<ReceivedLog<'a>>,
pub mime_version: Option<Version>,
//@FIXME min and max limits are not enforced,
// it may result in missing data or silently overriden data.
impl<'a> FromIterator<Field<'a>> for Imf<'a> {
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = Field<'a>>>(iter: I) -> Self {
iter.into_iter().fold(Imf::default(), |mut section, field| {
match field {
Field::Date(v) => section.date = v,
Field::From(v) => section.from.extend(v),
Field::Sender(v) => section.sender = Some(v),
Field::ReplyTo(v) => section.reply_to.extend(v),
Field::To(v) => section.to.extend(v),
Field::Cc(v) => section.cc.extend(v),
Field::Bcc(v) => section.bcc.extend(v),
Field::MessageID(v) => section.msg_id = Some(v),
Field::InReplyTo(v) => section.in_reply_to.extend(v),
Field::References(v) => section.references.extend(v),
Field::Subject(v) => section.subject = Some(v),
Field::Comments(v) => section.comments.push(v),
Field::Keywords(v) => section.keywords.push(v),
Field::ReturnPath(v) => v.map(|x| section.return_path.push(x)).unwrap_or(()),
Field::Received(v) => section.received.push(v),
Field::MIMEVersion(v) => section.mime_version = Some(v),
pub fn imf(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Imf> {
map(header::header_kv, |fields| {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::imf::address::*;
use crate::imf::mailbox::*;
use crate::text::misc_token::*;
use chrono::{FixedOffset, TimeZone};
fn test_header() {
let fullmail = b"Date: 7 Mar 2023 08:00:00 +0200
From: someone@example.com
To: someone_else@example.com
Subject: An RFC 822 formatted message
This is the plain text body of the message. Note the blank line
between the header information and the body of the message.";
&b"This is the plain text body of the message. Note the blank line\nbetween the header information and the body of the message."[..],
Imf {
date: Some(FixedOffset::east_opt(2 * 3600).unwrap().with_ymd_and_hms(2023, 3, 7, 8, 0, 0).unwrap()),
from: vec![MailboxRef {
name: None,
addrspec: AddrSpec {
local_part: LocalPart(vec![LocalPartToken::Word(Word::Atom(&b"someone"[..]))]),
domain: Domain::Atoms(vec![&b"example"[..], &b"com"[..]]),
to: vec![AddressRef::Single(MailboxRef {
name: None,
addrspec: AddrSpec {
local_part: LocalPart(vec![LocalPartToken::Word(Word::Atom(&b"someone_else"[..]))]),
domain: Domain::Atoms(vec![&b"example"[..], &b"com"[..]]),
subject: Some(Unstructured(vec![