
159 lines
5.7 KiB

use chrono::{FixedOffset, TimeZone};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use imf_codec::multipass;
use imf_codec::fragments::{model, misc_token, trace, section};
fn parser<'a, F>(input: &'a [u8], func: F) -> ()
where F: FnOnce(&section::Section) -> () {
let seg = multipass::segment::new(input).unwrap();
let charset = seg.charset();
let fields = charset.fields().unwrap();
let field_names = fields.names();
let field_body = field_names.body();
let section = field_body.section();
fn test_headers() {
let fullmail: &[u8] = r#"Return-Path: <gitlab@example.com>
Delivered-To: quentin@example.com
Received: from smtp.example.com ([])
by doradille with LMTP
id xyzabcd
(envelope-from <gitlab@example.com>)
for <quentin@example.com>; Tue, 13 Jun 2023 19:01:08 +0000
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 10:01:10 +0200
From: Mary Smith
<mary@example.net>, "A\lan" <alan@example>
Sender: imf@example.com
Reply-To: "Mary Smith: Personal Account" <smith@home.example>
To: John Doe <jdoe@machine.example>
Cc: imf2@example.com
Bcc: (hidden)
Subject: Re: Saying Hello
Comments: A simple message
Comments: Not that complicated
comments : not valid header name but should be accepted
by the parser.
Keywords: hello, world
Héron: Raté
Raté raté
Keywords: salut, le, monde
Not a real header but should still recover
Message-ID: <3456@example.net>
In-Reply-To: <1234@local.machine.example>
References: <1234@local.machine.example>
Unknown: unknown
This is a reply to your hello.
parser(fullmail, |parsed_section|
&section::Section {
date: Some(&FixedOffset::east_opt(2 * 3600)
.with_ymd_and_hms(2023, 06, 13, 10, 01, 10)
from: vec![&model::MailboxRef {
name: Some("Mary Smith".into()),
addrspec: model::AddrSpec {
local_part: "mary".into(),
domain: "example.net".into(),
}, &model::MailboxRef {
name: Some("Alan".into()),
addrspec: model::AddrSpec {
local_part: "alan".into(),
domain: "example".into(),
sender: Some(&model::MailboxRef {
name: None,
addrspec: model::AddrSpec {
local_part: "imf".into(),
domain: "example.com".into(),
reply_to: vec![&model::AddressRef::Single(model::MailboxRef {
name: Some("Mary Smith: Personal Account".into()),
addrspec: model::AddrSpec {
local_part: "smith".into(),
domain: "home.example".into(),
to: vec![&model::AddressRef::Single(model::MailboxRef {
name: Some("John Doe".into()),
addrspec: model::AddrSpec {
local_part: "jdoe".into(),
domain: "machine.example".into(),
cc: vec![&model::AddressRef::Single(model::MailboxRef {
name: None,
addrspec: model::AddrSpec {
local_part: "imf2".into(),
domain: "example.com".into(),
bcc: vec![],
msg_id: Some(&model::MessageId { left: "3456", right: "example.net" }),
in_reply_to: vec![&model::MessageId { left: "1234", right: "local.machine.example" }],
references: vec![&model::MessageId { left: "1234", right: "local.machine.example" }],
subject: Some(&misc_token::Unstructured("Re: Saying Hello".into())),
comments: vec![
&misc_token::Unstructured("A simple message".into()),
&misc_token::Unstructured("Not that complicated".into()),
&misc_token::Unstructured("not valid header name but should be accepted by the parser.".into()),
keywords: vec![
received: vec![
&trace::ReceivedLog("from smtp.example.com ([])\n\tby doradille with LMTP\n\tid xyzabcd\n\t(envelope-from <gitlab@example.com>)\n\tfor <quentin@example.com>")
return_path: vec![&model::MailboxRef {
name: None,
addrspec: model::AddrSpec {
local_part: "gitlab".into(),
domain: "example.com".into(),
optional: HashMap::from([
("Delivered-To", &misc_token::Unstructured("quentin@example.com".into())),
("Unknown", &misc_token::Unstructured("unknown".into())),
bad_fields: vec![],
unparsed: vec![
"Héron: Raté\n Raté raté\n",
"Not a real header but should still recover\n",