use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use garage_table::crdt::*; use garage_table::*; use garage_util::data::*; /// The bucket alias table holds the names given to buckets /// in the global namespace. #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct BucketAlias { pub name: String, pub state: crdt::Lww>, } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct AliasParams { pub bucket_id: Uuid, pub website_access: bool, } impl AutoCrdt for AliasParams { const WARN_IF_DIFFERENT: bool = true; } impl BucketAlias { pub fn new(name: String, bucket_id: Uuid, website_access: bool) -> Self { BucketAlias { name, state: crdt::Lww::new(crdt::Deletable::present(AliasParams { bucket_id, website_access, })), } } pub fn is_deleted(&self) -> bool { self.state.get().is_deleted() } } impl Crdt for BucketAlias { fn merge(&mut self, o: &Self) { self.state.merge(&o.state); } } impl Entry for BucketAlias { fn partition_key(&self) -> &EmptyKey { &EmptyKey } fn sort_key(&self) -> &String { & } } pub struct BucketAliasTable; impl TableSchema for BucketAliasTable { const TABLE_NAME: &'static str = "bucket_alias"; type P = EmptyKey; type S = String; type E = BucketAlias; type Filter = DeletedFilter; fn matches_filter(entry: &Self::E, filter: &Self::Filter) -> bool { filter.apply(entry.is_deleted()) } }