+++ title = "Monitoring Garage" weight = 40 +++ Garage exposes some internal metrics in the Prometheus data format. This page explains how to exploit these metrics. ## Setting up monitoring ### Enabling the Admin API endpoint If you have not already enabled the [administration API endpoint](@/documentation/reference-manual/admin-api.md), do so by adding the following lines to your configuration file: ```toml [admin] api_bind_addr = "" ``` This will allow anyone to scrape Prometheus metrics by fetching `http://localhost:3093/metrics`. If you want to restrict access to the exported metrics, set the `metrics_token` configuration value to a bearer token to be used when fetching the metrics endpoint. ### Setting up Prometheus and Grafana Add a scrape config to your Prometheus daemon to scrape metrics from all of your nodes: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: 'garage' static_configs: - targets: - 'node1.mycluster:3903' - 'node2.mycluster:3903' - 'node3.mycluster:3903' ``` If you have set a metrics token in your Garage configuration file, add the following lines in your Prometheus scrape config: ```yaml authorization: type: Bearer credentials: 'your metrics token' ``` To visualize the scraped data in Grafana, you can either import our [Grafana dashboard for Garage](https://git.deuxfleurs.fr/Deuxfleurs/garage/raw/branch/main/script/telemetry/grafana-garage-dashboard-prometheus.json) or make your own. We detail below the list of exposed metrics and their meaning. ## List of exported metrics See our [dedicated page](@/documentation/reference-manual/monitoring.md) in the Reference manual section.