(ns jepsen.garage.grg (:require [clojure.tools.logging :refer :all] [jepsen [control :as c] [core :as jepsen] [db :as db]] [jepsen.control.util :as cu] [amazonica.aws.s3 :as s3] [slingshot.slingshot :refer [try+]])) ; CONSTANTS -- HOW GARAGE IS SET UP (def dir "/opt/garage") (def data-dir (str dir "/data")) (def meta-dir (str dir "/meta")) (def binary (str dir "/garage")) (def logfile (str dir "/garage.log")) (def pidfile (str dir "/garage.pid")) (def grg-admin-token "icanhazadmin") (def grg-key "jepsen") (def grg-bucket "jepsen") ; THE GARAGE DB (defn install! "Download and install Garage" [node version] (c/su (c/trace (info node "installing garage" version) (c/exec :mkdir :-p dir) (let [url (str "https://garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr/_releases/" version "/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/garage") cache (cu/cached-wget! url)] (c/exec :cp cache binary)) (c/exec :chmod :+x binary)))) (defn configure! "Configure Garage" [node] (c/su (c/trace (cu/write-file! (str "rpc_secret = \"0fffabe52542c2b89a56b2efb7dfd477e9dafb285c9025cbdf1de7ca21a6b372\"\n" "rpc_bind_addr = \"\"\n" "rpc_public_addr = \"" node ":3901\"\n" "db_engine = \"lmdb\"\n" "replication_mode = \"3\"\n" "data_dir = \"" dir "/data\"\n" "metadata_dir = \"" dir "/meta\"\n" "[s3_api]\n" "s3_region = \"us-east-1\"\n" "api_bind_addr = \"\"\n" "[k2v_api]\n" "api_bind_addr = \"\"\n" "[admin]\n" "api_bind_addr = \"\"\n" "admin_token = \"" grg-admin-token "\"\n") "/etc/garage.toml")))) (defn connect-node! "Connect a Garage node to the rest of the cluster" [test node] (c/trace (let [node-id (c/exec binary :node :id :-q)] (info node "node id:" node-id) (c/on-many (:nodes test) (c/exec binary :node :connect node-id))))) (defn configure-node! "Configure a Garage node to be part of a cluster layout" [test node] (c/trace (let [node-id (c/exec binary :node :id :-q)] (c/on (jepsen/primary test) (c/exec binary :layout :assign (subs node-id 0 16) :-c :1G :-z :dc1 :-t node))))) (defn finalize-config! "Apply the layout and create a key/bucket pair in the cluster" [node] (c/trace (c/exec binary :layout :apply :--version 1) (info node "garage status:" (c/exec binary :status)) (c/exec binary :key :create grg-key) (c/exec binary :bucket :create grg-bucket) (c/exec binary :bucket :allow :--read :--write grg-bucket :--key grg-key) (info node "key info: " (c/exec binary :key :info grg-key)))) (defn db "Garage DB for a particular version" [version] (reify db/DB (setup! [_ test node] (install! node version) (configure! node) (cu/start-daemon! {:logfile logfile :pidfile pidfile :chdir dir} binary :server) (c/exec :sleep 3) (jepsen/synchronize test) (connect-node! test node) (jepsen/synchronize test) (configure-node! test node) (jepsen/synchronize test) (when (= node (jepsen/primary test)) (finalize-config! node))) (teardown! [_ test node] (info node "tearing down garage" version) (c/su (cu/stop-daemon! binary pidfile) (c/exec :rm :-rf data-dir) (c/exec :rm :-rf meta-dir))) db/LogFiles (log-files [_ test node] [logfile]))) ; GARAGE S3 HELPER FUNCTIONS (defn s3-creds "Get S3 credentials for node" [node] (let [key-info (c/on node (c/exec binary :key :info grg-key :--show-secret)) [_ ak sk] (re-matches #"(?s).*Key ID: (.*)\nSecret key: (.*)\nCan create.*" key-info)] {:access-key ak :secret-key sk :endpoint (str "http://" node ":3900") :bucket grg-bucket :client-config {:path-style-access-enabled true}})) (defn s3-get "Helper for GetObject" [creds k] (try+ (-> (s3/get-object creds (:bucket creds) k) :input-stream slurp) (catch (re-find #"Key not found" (.getMessage %)) ex nil))) (defn s3-put "Helper for PutObject or DeleteObject (is a delete if value is nil)" [creds k v] (if (= v nil) (s3/delete-object creds :bucket-name (:bucket creds) :key k) (let [some-bytes (.getBytes v "UTF-8") bytes-stream (java.io.ByteArrayInputStream. some-bytes)] (s3/put-object creds :bucket-name (:bucket creds) :key k :input-stream bytes-stream :metadata {:content-length (count some-bytes)})))) (defn s3-list "Helper for ListObjects -- just lists everything in the bucket" [creds prefix] (defn list-inner [ct accum] (let [list-result (s3/list-objects-v2 creds {:bucket-name (:bucket creds) :prefix prefix :continuation-token ct}) new-object-summaries (:object-summaries list-result) new-objects (map (fn [d] (:key d)) new-object-summaries) objects (concat new-objects accum)] (if (:truncated? list-result) (list-inner (:next-continuation-token list-result) objects) objects))) (list-inner nil []))