# Apps (Nextcloud, Peertube...) In this section, we cover the following web applications: | Name | Status | Note | |------|--------|------| | [Nextcloud](#nextcloud) | ✅ | Both Primary Storage and External Storage are supported | | [Peertube](#peertube) | ✅ | `base_url` must be set to the website endpoint | | [Mastodon](#mastodon) | ❓ | | | [Matrix](#matrix) | ✅ | Tested with `synapse-s3-storage-provider` | | [Pixelfed](#pixelfed) | ❓ | | | [Pleroma](#pleroma) | ❓ | | | [Lemmy](#lemmy) | ❓ | | | [Funkwhale](#funkwhale) | ❓ | | | [Misskey](#misskey) | ❓ | | | [Prismo](#prismo) | ❓ | | ## Nextcloud Nextcloud is a popular file synchronisation and backup service. By default, Nextcloud stores its data on the local filesystem. If you want to expand your storage to aggregate multiple servers, Garage is the way to go. A S3 backend can be configured in two ways on Nextcloud, either as Primary Storage or as an External Storage. Primary storage will store all your data on S3, in an opaque manner, and will provide the best performances. External storage enable you to select which data will be stored on S3, your file hierarchy will be preserved in S3, but it might be slower. In the following, we cover both methods but before reading our guide, we suppose you have done some preliminary steps. First, we expect you have an already installed and configured Nextcloud instance. Second, we suppose you have created a key and a bucket. As a reminder, you can create a key for your nextcloud instance as follow: ```bash garage key new --name nextcloud-key ``` Keep the Key ID and the Secret key in a pad, they will be needed later. Then you can create a bucket and give read/write rights to your key on this bucket with: ```bash garage bucket create nextcloud garage bucket allow nextcloud --read --write --key nextcloud-key ``` ### Primary Storage Now edit your Nextcloud configuration file to enable object storage. On my installation, the config. file is located at the following path: `/var/www/nextcloud/config/config.php`. We will add a new root key to the `$CONFIG` dictionnary named `objectstore`: ```php [ 'class' => '\\OC\\Files\\ObjectStore\\S3', 'arguments' => [ 'bucket' => 'nextcloud', // Your bucket name, must be created before 'autocreate' => false, // Garage does not support autocreate 'key' => 'xxxxxxxxx', // The Key ID generated previously 'secret' => 'xxxxxxxxx', // The Secret key generated previously 'hostname' => '', // Can also be a domain name, eg. garage.example.com 'port' => 3900, // Put your reverse proxy port or your S3 API port 'use_ssl' => false, // Set it to true if you have a TLS enabled reverse proxy 'region' => 'garage', // Garage has only one region named "garage" 'use_path_style' => true // Garage supports only path style, must be set to true ], ], ``` That's all, your Nextcloud will store all your data to S3. To test your new configuration, just reload your Nextcloud webpage and start sending data. *External link:* [Nextcloud Documentation > Primary Storage](https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/configuration_files/primary_storage.html) ### External Storage **From the GUI.** Activate the "External storage support" app from the "Applications" page (click on your account icon on the top right corner of your screen to display the menu). Go to your parameters page (also located below your account icon). Click on external storage (or the corresponding translation in your language). [![Screenshot of the External Storage form](./cli-nextcloud-gui.png)](./cli-nextcloud-gui.png) *Click on the picture to zoom* Add a new external storage. Put what you want in "folder name" (eg. "shared"). Select "Amazon S3". Keep "Access Key" for the Authentication field. In Configuration, put your bucket name (eg. nextcloud), the host (eg., the port (eg. 3900 or 443), the region (garage). Tick the SSL box if you have put an HTTPS proxy in front of garage. You must tick the "Path access" box and you must leave the "Legacy authentication (v2)" box empty. Put your Key ID (eg. GK...) and your Secret Key in the last two input boxes. Finally click on the tick symbol on the right of your screen. Now go to your "Files" app and a new "linked folder" has appeared with the name you chose earlier (eg. "shared"). *External link:* [Nextcloud Documentation > External Storage Configuration GUI](https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/configuration_files/external_storage_configuration_gui.html) **From the CLI.** First install the external storage application: ```bash php occ app:install files_external ``` Then add a new mount point with: ```bash php occ files_external:create \ -c bucket=nextcloud \ -c hostname= \ -c port=3900 \ -c region=garage \ -c use_ssl=false \ -c use_path_style=true \ -c legacy_auth=false \ -c key=GKxxxx \ -c secret=xxxx \ shared amazons3 amazons3::accesskey ``` Adapt the `hostname`, `port`, `use_ssl`, `key`, and `secret` entries to your configuration. Do not change the `use_path_style` and `legacy_auth` entries, other configurations are not supported. *External link:* [Nextcloud Documentation > occ command > files external](https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/configuration_server/occ_command.html#files-external-label) ## Peertube Peertube proposes a clever integration of S3 by directly exposing its endpoint instead of proxifying requests through the application. In other words, Peertube is only responsible of the "control plane" and offload the "data plane" to Garage. In return, this system is a bit harder to configure. We show how it is still possible to configure Garage with Peertube, allowing you to spread the load and the bandwidth usage on the Garage cluster. ### Create resources in Garage Create a key for Peertube: ```bash garage key new --name peertube-key ``` Keep the Key ID and the Secret key in a pad, they will be needed later. We need two buckets, one for normal videos (named peertube-video) and one for webtorrent videos (named peertube-playlist). ```bash garage bucket create peertube-video garage bucket create peertube-playlist ``` Now we allow our key to read and write on these buckets: ``` garage bucket allow peertube-playlists --read --write --owner --key peertube-key garage bucket allow peertube-videos --read --write --owner --key peertube-key ``` We also need to expose these buckets publicly to serve their content to users: ```bash garage bucket website --allow peertube-playlists garage bucket website --allow peertube-videos ``` Finally, we must allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). CORS are required by your browser to allow requests triggered from the peertube website (eg. peertube.tld) to your bucket's domain (eg. peertube-videos.web.garage.tld) ```bash export CORS='{"CORSRules":[{"AllowedHeaders":["*"],"AllowedMethods":["GET"],"AllowedOrigins":["*"]}]}' aws --endpoint http://s3.garage.localhost s3api put-bucket-cors --bucket peertube-playlists --cors-configuration $CORS aws --endpoint http://s3.garage.localhost s3api put-bucket-cors --bucket peertube-videos --cors-configuration $CORS ``` These buckets are now accessible on the web port (by default 3902) with the following URL: `http://:` where the root domain is defined in your configuration file (by default `.web.garage`). So we have currently the following URLs: * http://peertube-playlists.web.garage:3902 * http://peertube-videos.web.garage:3902 Make sure you (will) have a corresponding DNS entry for them. ### Configure Peertube You must edit the file named `config/production.yaml`, we are only modifying the root key named `object_storage`: ```yaml object_storage: enabled: true # Put localhost only if you have a garage instance running on that node endpoint: 'http://localhost:3900' # or "garage.example.com" if you have TLS on port 443 # Garage supports only one region for now, named garage region: 'garage' credentials: access_key_id: 'GKxxxx' secret_access_key: 'xxxx' max_upload_part: 2GB streaming_playlists: bucket_name: 'peertube-playlist' # Keep it empty for our example prefix: '' # You must fill this field to make Peertube use our reverse proxy/website logic base_url: 'http://peertube-playlists.web.garage.localhost' # Example: 'https://mirror.example.com' # Same settings but for webtorrent videos videos: bucket_name: 'peertube-video' prefix: '' # You must fill this field to make Peertube use our reverse proxy/website logic base_url: 'http://peertube-videos.web.garage.localhost' ``` ### That's all Everything must be configured now, simply restart Peertube and try to upload a video. Peertube will start by serving the video from its own domain while it is encoding. Once the encoding is done, the video is uploaded to Garage. You can now reload the page and see in your browser console that data are fetched directly from your bucket. *External link:* [Peertube Documentation > Remote Storage](https://docs.joinpeertube.org/admin-remote-storage) ## Mastodon https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/config/#cdn ## Matrix Matrix is a chat communication protocol. Its main stable server implementation, [Synapse](https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/), provides a module to store media on a S3 backend. Additionally, a server independent media store supporting S3 has been developped by the community, it has been made possible thanks to how the matrix API has been designed and will work with implementations like Conduit, Dendrite, etc. ### synapse-s3-storage-provider (synapse only) Supposing you have a working synapse installation, you can add the module with pip: ```bash pip3 install --user git+https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse-s3-storage-provider.git ``` Now create a bucket and a key for your matrix instance (note your Key ID and Secret Key somewhere, they will be needed later): ```bash garage key new --name matrix-key garage bucket create matrix garage bucket allow matrix --read --write --key matrix-key ``` Then you must edit your server configuration (eg. `/etc/matrix-synapse/homeserver.yaml`) and add the `media_storage_providers` root key: ```yaml media_storage_providers: - module: s3_storage_provider.S3StorageProviderBackend store_local: True # do we want to store on S3 media created by our users? store_remote: True # do we want to store on S3 media created # by users of others servers federated to ours? store_synchronous: True # do we want to wait that the file has been written before returning? config: bucket: matrix # the name of our bucket, we chose matrix earlier region_name: garage # only "garage" is supported for the region field endpoint_url: http://localhost:3900 # the path to the S3 endpoint access_key_id: "GKxxx" # your Key ID secret_access_key: "xxxx" # your Secret Key ``` Note that uploaded media will also be stored locally and this behavior can not be deactivated, it is even required for some operations like resizing images. In fact, your local filesysem is considered as a cache but without any automated way to garbage collect it. We can build our garbage collector with `s3_media_upload`, a tool provided with the module. If you installed the module with the command provided before, you should be able to bring it in your path: ``` PATH=$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH command -v s3_media_upload ``` Now we can write a simple script (eg `~/.local/bin/matrix-cache-gc`): ```bash #!/bin/bash ## CONFIGURATION ## AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=GKxxx AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxx S3_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:3900 S3_BUCKET=matrix MEDIA_STORE=/var/lib/matrix-synapse/media PG_USER=matrix PG_PASS=xxxx PG_DB=synapse PG_HOST=localhost PG_PORT=5432 ## CODE ## PATH=$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH cat > database.yaml < matrix-org/synapse-s3-storage-provider](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse-s3-storage-provider) ### matrix-media-repo (server independent) *External link:* [matrix-media-repo Documentation > S3](https://docs.t2bot.io/matrix-media-repo/configuration/s3-datastore.html) ## Pixelfed https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/env.html#filesystem ## Pleroma https://docs-develop.pleroma.social/backend/configuration/cheatsheet/#pleromauploaderss3 ## Lemmy via pict-rs https://git.asonix.dog/asonix/pict-rs/commit/f9f4fc63d670f357c93f24147c2ee3e1278e2d97 ## Funkwhale https://docs.funkwhale.audio/admin/configuration.html#s3-storage ## Misskey https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey/commit/9d944243a3a59e8880a360cbfe30fd5a3ec8d52d ## Prismo https://gitlab.com/prismosuite/prismo/-/blob/dev/.env.production.sample#L26-33 ## Owncloud Infinite Scale (ocis) ## Unsupported - Mobilizon: No S3 integration - WriteFreely: No S3 integration - Plume: No S3 integration