@inproceedings{brewer_towards_2000, title = {Towards {{Robust Distributed Systems}}}, booktitle = {{{ACM PODC}}}, author = {Brewer, Eric}, year = {2000} } @incollection{defago_conflict-free_2011, title = {Conflict-{{Free Replicated Data Types}}}, booktitle = {Stabilization, {{Safety}}, and {{Security}} of {{Distributed Systems}}}, author = {Shapiro, Marc and Pregui{\c c}a, Nuno and Baquero, Carlos and Zawirski, Marek}, year = {2011}, address = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}}, } @inproceedings{decandia_dynamo:_2007, title = {Dynamo: {{Amazon}}'s {{Highly Available Key}}-Value {{Store}}}, booktitle = {{ACM SOSP}}, author = {DeCandia, Giuseppe and Hastorun, Deniz and Jampani, Madan and Kakulapati, Gunavardhan and Lakshman, Avinash and Pilchin, Alex and Sivasubramanian, Swaminathan and Vosshall, Peter and Vogels, Werner}, year = {2007}, address = {{New York, USA}}, }