//! This package provides a simple implementation of conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs) //! //! CRDTs are a type of data structures that do not require coordination. In other words, we can //! edit them in parallel, we will always find a way to merge it. //! //! A general example is a counter. Its initial value is 0. Alice and Bob get a copy of the //! counter. Alice does +1 on her copy, she reads 1. Bob does +3 on his copy, he reads 3. Now, //! it is easy to merge their counters, order does not count: we always get 4. //! //! Learn more about CRDTs [on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict-free_replicated_data_type) mod bool; #[allow(clippy::module_inception)] mod crdt; mod deletable; mod lww; mod lww_map; mod map; pub use self::bool::*; pub use crdt::*; pub use deletable::*; pub use lww::*; pub use lww_map::*; pub use map::*;