# Cookbook A cookbook, when you cook, is a collection of recipes. Similarly, Garage's cookbook contains a collection of recipes that are known to works well! This chapter could also be referred as "Tutorials" or "Best practices". - **[Deploying Garage](real_world.md):** This page will walk you through all of the necessary steps to deploy Garaage in a real-world setting. - **[Configuring S3 clients](clients.md):** This page will explain how to configure popular S3 clients to interact with a Garage server. - **[Hosting a website](website.md):** This page explains how to use Garage to host a static website. - **[Recovering from failures](recovering.md):** Garage's first selling point is resilience to hardware failures. This section explains how to recover from such a failure in the best possible way. - **[Building from source](from_source.md):** This page explains how to build Garage from source in case a binary is not provided for your architecture, or if you want to hack with us! - **[Starting with Systemd](from_source.md):** This page explains how to run Garage as a Systemd service (instead of as a Docker container).