# S3 Compatibility status ## Global S3 features Implemented: - path-style URLs (`garage.tld/bucket/key`) - putting and getting objects in buckets - multipart uploads - listing objects - access control on a per-key-per-bucket basis Not implemented: - vhost-style URLs (`bucket.garage.tld/key`) - object-level ACL - encryption - most `x-amz-` headers ## Endpoint implementation All APIs that are not mentionned are not implemented and will return a 400 bad request. #### AbortMultipartUpload Implemented. #### CompleteMultipartUpload Implemented badly. Garage will not check that all the parts stored correspond to the list given by the client in the request body. This means that the multipart upload might be completed with an invalid size. This is a bug and will be fixed. #### CopyObject Implemented. #### CreateBucket Garage does not accept creating buckets or giving access using API calls, it has to be done using the CLI tools. CreateBucket will return a 200 if the bucket exists and user has write access, and a 403 Forbidden in all other cases. #### CreateMultipartUpload Implemented. #### DeleteBucket Garage does not accept deleting buckets using API calls, it has to be done using the CLI tools. This request will return a 403 Forbidden. #### DeleteObject Implemented. #### DeleteObjects Implemented. #### GetObject Implemented. #### HeadBucket Implemented. #### HeadObject Implemented. #### ListObjects Implemented, but there isn't a very good specification of what `encoding-type=url` covers so there might be some encoding bugs. In our implementation the url-encoded fields are in the same in ListObjects as they are in ListObjectsV2. #### ListObjectsV2 Implemented. #### PutObject Implemented. #### UploadPart Implemented.