use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use garage_table::crdt::*; use garage_table::*; use garage_util::data::*; use crate::permission::BucketKeyPerm; use garage_model_050::key_table as old; /// An api key #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Key { /// The id of the key (immutable), used as partition key pub key_id: String, /// The secret_key associated pub secret_key: String, /// Name for the key pub name: crdt::Lww, /// If the key is present: it gives some permissions, /// a map of bucket IDs (uuids) to permissions. /// Otherwise no permissions are granted to key pub state: crdt::Deletable, } /// Configuration for a key #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct KeyParams { pub allow_create_bucket: crdt::Lww, pub authorized_buckets: crdt::Map, pub local_aliases: crdt::LwwMap>, } impl KeyParams { pub fn new() -> Self { KeyParams { allow_create_bucket: crdt::Lww::new(false), authorized_buckets: crdt::Map::new(), local_aliases: crdt::LwwMap::new(), } } } impl Default for KeyParams { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl Crdt for KeyParams { fn merge(&mut self, o: &Self) { self.allow_create_bucket.merge(&o.allow_create_bucket); self.authorized_buckets.merge(&o.authorized_buckets); self.local_aliases.merge(&o.local_aliases); } } impl Key { /// Initialize a new Key, generating a random identifier and associated secret key pub fn new(name: String) -> Self { let key_id = format!("GK{}", hex::encode(&rand::random::<[u8; 12]>()[..])); let secret_key = hex::encode(&rand::random::<[u8; 32]>()[..]); Self { key_id, secret_key, name: crdt::Lww::new(name), state: crdt::Deletable::present(KeyParams::new()), } } /// Import a key from it's parts pub fn import(key_id: &str, secret_key: &str, name: &str) -> Self { Self { key_id: key_id.to_string(), secret_key: secret_key.to_string(), name: crdt::Lww::new(name.to_string()), state: crdt::Deletable::present(KeyParams::new()), } } /// Create a new Key which can me merged to mark an existing key deleted pub fn delete(key_id: String) -> Self { Self { key_id, secret_key: "".into(), name: crdt::Lww::new("".to_string()), state: crdt::Deletable::Deleted, } } /// Check if `Key` is allowed to read in bucket pub fn allow_read(&self, bucket: &Uuid) -> bool { if let crdt::Deletable::Present(params) = &self.state { params .authorized_buckets .get(bucket) .map(|x| x.allow_read) .unwrap_or(false) } else { false } } /// Check if `Key` is allowed to write in bucket pub fn allow_write(&self, bucket: &Uuid) -> bool { if let crdt::Deletable::Present(params) = &self.state { params .authorized_buckets .get(bucket) .map(|x| x.allow_write) .unwrap_or(false) } else { false } } /// Check if `Key` is owner of bucket pub fn allow_owner(&self, bucket: &Uuid) -> bool { if let crdt::Deletable::Present(params) = &self.state { params .authorized_buckets .get(bucket) .map(|x| x.allow_owner) .unwrap_or(false) } else { false } } } impl Entry for Key { fn partition_key(&self) -> &EmptyKey { &EmptyKey } fn sort_key(&self) -> &String { &self.key_id } } impl Crdt for Key { fn merge(&mut self, other: &Self) {; self.state.merge(&other.state); } } pub struct KeyTable; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum KeyFilter { Deleted(DeletedFilter), Matches(String), } impl TableSchema for KeyTable { const TABLE_NAME: &'static str = "key"; type P = EmptyKey; type S = String; type E = Key; type Filter = KeyFilter; fn matches_filter(entry: &Self::E, filter: &Self::Filter) -> bool { match filter { KeyFilter::Deleted(df) => df.apply(entry.state.is_deleted()), KeyFilter::Matches(pat) => { let pat = pat.to_lowercase(); entry.key_id.to_lowercase().starts_with(&pat) || == pat } } } fn try_migrate(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option { let old_k = rmp_serde::decode::from_read_ref::<_, old::Key>(bytes).ok()?; let state = if old_k.deleted.get() { crdt::Deletable::Deleted } else { // Authorized buckets is ignored here, // migration is performed in specific migration code in // garage/ crdt::Deletable::Present(KeyParams { allow_create_bucket: crdt::Lww::new(false), authorized_buckets: crdt::Map::new(), local_aliases: crdt::LwwMap::new(), }) }; let name = crdt::Lww::raw(,; Some(Key { key_id: old_k.key_id, secret_key: old_k.secret_key, name, state, }) } }