(ns jepsen.garage.set (:require [clojure.tools.logging :refer :all] [clojure.string :as str] [clojure.set :as set] [jepsen [checker :as checker] [cli :as cli] [client :as client] [control :as c] [checker :as checker] [db :as db] [generator :as gen] [independent :as independent] [nemesis :as nemesis] [tests :as tests]] [jepsen.checker.timeline :as timeline] [jepsen.control.util :as cu] [jepsen.os.debian :as debian] [jepsen.garage.daemon :as grg] [jepsen.garage.s3api :as s3] [knossos.model :as model] [slingshot.slingshot :refer [try+]])) (defn op-add-rand100 [_ _] {:type :invoke, :f :add, :value (rand-int 100)}) (defn op-read [_ _] {:type :invoke, :f :read, :value nil}) (defrecord SetClient [creds] client/Client (open! [this test node] (let [creds (grg/creds node)] (info node "s3 credentials:" creds) (assoc this :creds creds))) (setup! [this test]) (invoke! [this test op] (let [[k v] (:value op) prefix (str "set" k "/")] (case (:f op) :add (do (s3/put (:creds this) (str prefix v) "present") (assoc op :type :ok)) :read (let [items (s3/list (:creds this) prefix) items-stripped (map (fn [o] (str/replace-first o prefix "")) items) items-set (set (map read-string items-stripped))] (assoc op :type :ok, :value (independent/tuple k items-set)))))) (teardown! [this test]) (close! [this test])) (defn set-read-after-write "Read-after-Write checker for set operations" [] (reify checker/Checker (check [this test history opts] (let [init {:add-started #{} :add-done #{} :read-must-contain {} :missed #{} :unexpected #{}} final (reduce (fn [state op] (case [(:type op) (:f op)] ([:invoke :add]) (assoc state :add-started (conj (:add-started state) (:value op))) ([:ok :add]) (assoc state :add-done (conj (:add-done state) (:value op))) ([:invoke :read]) (assoc-in state [:read-must-contain (:process op)] (:add-done state)) ([:ok :read]) (let [read-must-contain (get (:process op) (:read-must-contain state)) new-missed (set/difference read-must-contain (:value op)) new-unexpected (set/difference (:value op) (:add-started state))] (assoc state :read-must-contain (dissoc (:read-must-contain state) (:process op)) :missed (set/union (:missed state) new-missed), :unexpected (set/union (:unexpected state) new-unexpected))) state)) init history) valid? (and (empty? (:missed final)) (empty? (:unexpected final)))] (assoc final :valid? valid?))))) (defn workload1 "Tests insertions and deletions" [opts] {:client (SetClient. nil) :checker (independent/checker (checker/compose {:set (checker/set) :timeline (timeline/html)})) :generator (independent/concurrent-generator 10 (range 100) (fn [k] (->> (range) (map (fn [x] {:type :invoke, :f :add, :value x})) (gen/limit (:ops-per-key opts))))) :final-generator (independent/sequential-generator (range 100) (fn [k] (gen/once op-read)))}) (defn workload2 "Tests insertions and deletions" [opts] {:client (SetClient. nil) :checker (independent/checker (checker/compose {:set-full (checker/set-full {:linearizable? false}) :set-read-after-write (set-read-after-write) :timeline (timeline/html)})) :generator (independent/concurrent-generator 10 (range) (fn [k] (gen/mix [op-add-rand100 op-read])))})