+++ title = "Binary packages" weight = 11 +++ Garage is also available in binary packages on: ## Alpine Linux If you use Alpine Linux, you can simply install the [garage](https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=garage) package from the Alpine Linux repositories (available since v3.17): ```bash apk add garage ``` The default configuration file is installed to `/etc/garage.toml`. You can run Garage using: `rc-service garage start`. If you don't specify `rpc_secret`, it will be automatically replaced with a random string on the first start. Please note that this package is built without Consul discovery, Kubernetes discovery, OpenTelemetry exporter, and K2V features (K2V will be enabled once it's stable). ## Arch Linux Garage is available in the [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/garage). ## FreeBSD ```bash pkg install garage ``` ## NixOS ```bash nix-shell -p garage ```