+++ title="Garage v0.7: a tour of the new features" date=2022-04-04 +++ *We just published Garage v0.7, our second public beta release. In this post, we do a quick tour of its 2 new features: Kubernetes integration and OpenTelemetry support.* --- Two months ago, we were impressed by the success of our open beta launch at the FOSDEM and on Hacker News: [our intial post](https://garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr/blog/2022-introducing-garage/) lead to more than 40k views in 10 days, going up to 100 views/minute. Since this event, we continued improving Garage, and 2 months after the initial release, we are happy to announce a new version: v0.7.0. We would like to thank all the contributors that made this new release possible: Alex, Jill, Max Audron, Maximilien, Quentin, Rune Henrisken, Steam, and trinity-1686a. This is also for the first time for Garage that we have contributions from outside of our organization: we are very proud and we want to renew our commitment to foster an open community around Garage. If you want to test this new version, you have 2 solutions: using our binaries or the ones from your OS. We ship [statically compiled binaries](https://garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr/download/) for Linux (amd64, i386, aarch64 and armv6) and their associated [Docker containers](https://hub.docker.com/u/dxflrs). Garage is also packaged by some OS/distributions, we are currently aware of [FreeBSD](https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/tree/www/garage/Makefile) and [AUR for Arch Linux](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/garage). Feel free to [reach us](mailto:garagehq@deuxfleurs.fr) if you are packaging or planning to package Garage, we are willing to adapt our software to make packaging easier and we plan to reference your work in our documentation. Obviously, this new version includes many bug fixes that are listed in our [changelogs](https://git.deuxfleurs.fr/Deuxfleurs/garage/releases), but also 2 new features: Kubernetes integration and OpenTelemetry support, we review them in the following. ## Kubernetes integration ## OpenTelemetry support T