# ANSIBLE ## How to proceed For each machine, **one by one** do: - Check that cluster is healthy - Check garage - check that all nodes are online `docker exec -ti xxx /garage status` - check that tables are in sync `docker exec -ti 63a4d7ecd795 /garage repair --yes tables` - check garage logs - no unknown errors or resync should be in progress - the following line must appear `INFO garage_util::background > Worker exited: Repair worker` - Check that Nomad is healthy - `nomad server members` - `nomad node status` - Check that Consul is healthy - `consul members` - Check that Postgres is healthy - Run `ansible-playbook -i production.yml --limit -u site.yml` - Run `nomad node drain -enable -force -self` - Reboot - Run `nomad node drain -self -disable` - Check that cluster is healthy (basically the whole first point)