## init generate a new password store named deuxfleurs for you: ``` pass init -p deuxfleurs you@example.com ``` add a password in this store, it will be encrypted with your gpg key: ```bash pass generate deuxfleurs/backup_nextcloud 20 # or pass insert deuxfleurs/backup_nextcloud ``` ## add a teammate edit `~/.password-store/acme/.gpg-id` and add the id of your friends: ``` alice@example.com jane@example.com bob@example.com ``` make sure that you trust the keys of your teammates: ``` $ gpg --edit-key jane@example.com gpg> lsign gpg> y gpg> save ``` Now re-encrypt the secrets: ``` pass init -p deuxfleurs $(cat ~/.password-store/deuxfleurs/.gpg-id) ``` They will now be able to decrypt the password: ``` pass deuxfleurs/backup_nextcloud ``` ## sharing with git To create the repo: ```bash cd ~/.password-store/deuxfleurs git init git add . git commit -m "Initial commit" # Set up remote git push ``` To setup the repo: ```bash cd ~/.password-store git clone https://git.example.com/org/repo.git deuxfleurs ``` https://medium.com/@davidpiegza/using-pass-in-a-team-1aa7adf36592