- name: "Add dummy interface to handle Nomad NAT restriction nomad#2770" template: src=nomad-interface.j2 dest=/etc/network/interfaces.d/nomad.cfg when: public_ip != private_ip notify: - reload nomad interface - name: "Deploy iptablesv4 configuration" template: src=rules.v4.j2 dest=/etc/iptables/rules.v4 notify: - reload iptables - name: "Deploy iptablesv6 configuration" copy: src=rules.v6 dest=/etc/iptables/rules.v6 notify: - reload ip6tables - name: "Activate IP forwarding" sysctl: name: net.ipv4.ip_forward value: 1 sysctl_set: yes - name: "Create systemd-resolved override directory" file: path=/etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/ state=directory - name: "Prevent systemd-resolved from listening on port 53 (DNS)" copy: src=systemd-resolve-no-listen.conf dest=/etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/systemd-resolve-no-listen.conf notify: reload systemd-resolved - name: "Use systemd-resolved as a source for /etc/resolv.conf" file: src: "/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf" dest: "/etc/resolv.conf" state: link force: yes notify: reload systemd-resolved - name: "Update nsswitch.conf to use systemd-resolved" copy: src=nsswitch.conf dest=/etc/nsswitch.conf - name: "Flush handlers" meta: flush_handlers