- name: "Set nomad version" set_fact: nomad_version: 0.11.3 - name: "Download and install Nomad for armv7l" unarchive: src: "https://releases.hashicorp.com/nomad/{{ nomad_version }}/nomad_{{ nomad_version }}_linux_arm.zip" dest: /usr/local/bin remote_src: yes when: - "ansible_architecture == 'armv7l'" notify: - restart nomad - name: "Download and install Nomad for x86_64" unarchive: src: "https://releases.hashicorp.com/nomad/{{ nomad_version }}/nomad_{{ nomad_version }}_linux_amd64.zip" dest: /usr/local/bin remote_src: yes when: - "ansible_architecture == 'x86_64'" notify: - restart nomad - name: "Download and install Nomad for arm64" unarchive: src: "https://releases.hashicorp.com/nomad/{{ nomad_version }}/nomad_{{ nomad_version }}_linux_arm64.zip" dest: /usr/local/bin remote_src: yes when: - "ansible_architecture == 'aarch64'" notify: - restart nomad - name: "Create Nomad configuration directory" file: path=/etc/nomad/ state=directory - name: "Deploy Nomad configuration" template: src=nomad.hcl.j2 dest=/etc/nomad/nomad.hcl notify: - restart nomad - name: "Deploy Nomad systemd service" copy: src=nomad.service dest=/etc/systemd/system/nomad.service notify: - restart nomad - name: "Enable Nomad systemd service at boot" service: name=nomad state=started enabled=yes daemon_reload=yes