Remove plume backup job (not usefull anymore)

This commit is contained in:
Alex 2023-05-16 15:39:36 +02:00
parent 8a75be4d43
commit efd5ec3323
1 changed files with 0 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -56,52 +56,6 @@ EOH
group "backup-plume" {
constraint {
attribute = "${attr.unique.hostname}"
operator = "="
value = "dahlia"
task "main" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "restic/restic:0.14.0"
entrypoint = [ "/bin/sh", "-c" ]
args = [ "restic backup /plume && restic forget --group-by paths --keep-within 1m1d --keep-within-weekly 3m --keep-within-monthly 1y && restic prune --max-unused 50% --max-repack-size 2G && restic check" ]
volumes = [
template {
data = <<EOH
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={{ key "secrets/plume/backup_aws_access_key_id" }}
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={{ key "secrets/plume/backup_aws_secret_access_key" }}
RESTIC_REPOSITORY={{ key "secrets/plume/backup_restic_repository" }}
RESTIC_PASSWORD={{ key "secrets/plume/backup_restic_password" }}
destination = "secrets/env_vars"
env = true
resources {
cpu = 500
memory = 100
memory_max = 1000
restart {
attempts = 2
interval = "30m"
delay = "15s"
mode = "fail"
group "backup-consul" {
task "consul-kv-export" {
driver = "docker"