# Deuxfleurs on NixOS! This repository contains code to run Deuxfleur's infrastructure on NixOS. It sets up the following: - A Wireguard mesh between all nodes - Consul, with TLS - Nomad, with TLS ## How to use this? See the following documentation topics: - [Quick start and onboarding for new administrators](doc/onboarding.md) - [How to add new nodes to a cluster (rapid overview)](doc/adding-nodes.md) - [Architecture of this repo, how the scripts work](doc/architecture.md) - [List of TCP and UDP ports used by services](doc/ports) Additionnal documentation topics: - [Succint guide for NixOS installation with LUKX full disk encryption](doc/nixos-install-luks.md) (we don't do that in practice on our servers) - [Example `hardware-config.nix` for a full disk encryption scenario](doc/example-hardware-configuration.nix) - [Why not Ansible?](doc/why-not-ansible.md)