#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -i python3 -p "python3.withPackages(ps: [ ps.pip ps.consul ps.ldap ps.passlib ps.requests ps.six ps.toml ])" # DEPENDENCY: python-consul import consul # DEPENDENCY: python-ldap import ldap # DEPENDENCY: passlib from passlib.hash import ldap_salted_sha1 # DEPENDENCY: toml import toml import os import sys import glob import subprocess import getpass import base64 from secrets import token_bytes """ TODO: this will be a utility to handle secrets in the Consul database for the various components of the Deuxfleurs infrastructure Functionnalities: - check that secrets are correctly configured - help user fill in secrets - create LDAP service users and fill in corresponding secrets - maybe one day: manage SSL certificates and keys It uses files placed in /secrets/* to know what secrets it should handle. These secret files contain directives for what to do about these secrets. Example directives: USER (a secret that must be filled in by the user) USER_LONG (the same, indicates that the secret fits on several lines) CMD (a secret that is generated by running this command) CMD_ONCE (same, but value is not changed when doing a regen) CONST (the secret has a constant value set here) CONST_LONG (same) SERVICE_DN (the LDAP DN of a service user) SERVICE_PASSWORD (the LDAP password for the corresponding service user) SSL_CERT (a SSL domain for the given domains) SSL_KEY (the SSL key going with corresponding certificate) RSA_PUBLIC_KEY (a public RSA key) RSA_PRIVATE_KEY (the corresponding private RSA key) """ # Parameters LDAP_URL = "ldap://localhost:1389" SERVICE_DN_SUFFIX = "ou=services,ou=users,dc=deuxfleurs,dc=fr" consul_server = consul.Consul() # ---- UTIL ---- class bcolors: HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKCYAN = '\033[96m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' ldap_admin_conn = None def get_ldap_admin_conn(): global ldap_admin_conn if ldap_admin_conn is None: ldap_admin_conn = ldap.initialize(LDAP_URL) ldap_user = input("LDAP admin user (full DN, please!): ") ldap_pass = getpass.getpass("LDAP admin password: ") ldap_admin_conn.simple_bind_s(ldap_user, ldap_pass) return ldap_admin_conn # ---- SECRETS ---- class Secret: def __init__(self, key, description=None): self.consul_key = "secrets/" + key if description != None: self.description = description def check(self, value): return True def generate(self, old_value): pass class UserSecret(Secret): def __init__(self, example=None, multiline=False, **kwargs): Secret.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.example = example self.multiline = multiline def generate(self, old_value): print("Description:", self.description) print("Enter value for secret, or ^C to skip:") if self.multiline: print("THIS IS A LONG VALUE, ENTER SEVERAL LINES AND FINISH WITH A LINE CONTAINING A SINGLE .") try: lines = [] while True: line = input().strip() if line == ".": break lines.append(line) return "\n".join(lines) except KeyboardInterrupt: return None else: try: while True: line = input().strip() if line != "": return line else: print("Please enter a non-empty value, or ^C to skip:") except KeyboardInterrupt: return None class CommandSecret(Secret): def __init__(self, command, rotate=False, **kwargs): Secret.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.command = command self.rotate = rotate def generate(self, old_value): if not self.rotate and old_value is not None: return None print("Executing command:", self.command) return subprocess.check_output(["sh", "-c", self.command]) class ConstantSecret(Secret): def __init__(self, value, **kwargs): Secret.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.value = value def check(self, value): return value == self.value def generate(self, old_value): if old_value != self.value: return self.value else: return None # ---- SERVICE USERS ---- class ServiceUserPasswordSecret: def __init__(self, service_user, **kwargs): Secret.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.service_user = service_user def check(self, value): l = ldap.initialize(LDAP_URL) try: l.simple_bind_s(self.service_user.dn, value) return True except Exception as e: return False def generate(self, old_value): if old_value != self.service_user.password: return self.service_user.password else: return None class ServiceUser: def __init__(self, username, password_secret, user_dn_secret=None, user_name_secret=None, rotate_password=False): self.username = username self.password = None self.dn = "cn={},{}".format(self.username, SERVICE_DN_SUFFIX) self.rotate_password = rotate_password self.username_secret = username_secret self.password_secret = password_secret self.dn_secret = dn_secret def secrets(self): secrets = {} secrets[self.password_secret] = ServiceUserPasswordSecret( service_user=self, key=self.password_secret, description="LDAP password for service user {}".format(self.username), ) if self.user_dn_secret != None: secrets[self.dn_secret] = ConstantSecret( key=self.dn_secret, value=self.dn, description="LDAP DN for service user {}".format(self.username), ) if self.username_secret != None: secrets[self.username_secret] = ConstantSecret( key=self.username_secret, value=self.username, description="LDAP username for service user {}".format(self.username), ) return secrets # ---- READING secrets.toml FILES ---- class Config: def __init__(self, cluster_name): self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.app_path = os.path.join(".", "cluster", cluster_name) self.service_users = {} self.secrets = {} self.modules = [] def load_module(self, module_name) secrets_toml_path = os.path.join(self.app_path, module_name, "secrets.toml") with open(secrets_toml_path) as f: secrets_toml = toml.load(f) self.modules.append(module_name) # Service users, and their associated secrets if "service_users" in secrets_toml: for (uname, uargs) in secrets_toml["service_users"].items(): service_user = ServiceUser(uname, **uargs) for (skey, secret) in service_user.secrets(): if skey in self.secrets: raise Exception("Duplicate secret: {}".format(skey)) self.secrets[skey] = secret self.service_users[uname] = service_user # Other secrets if "secrets" in secrets_toml: for (skey, sargs) in secrets_toml["secrets"].items(): ty = sargs["type"] del sargs["type"] if ty == "user": secret = UserSecret(key=skey, **sargs) elif ty == "command": secret = CommandSecret(key=skey, **sargs) elif ty == "constant": secret = Constantsecret(key=skey, **sargs) else: raise Exception("Invalid secret type: {}".format(ty)) if skey in self.secrets: raise Exception("Duplicate secret: {}".format(skey)) self.secrets[skey] = secret def check_secrets(self): print(":: Checking secrets...") for (_, secret) in self.secrets.items(): _, data = consul_server.kv.get(secret.consul_key) if data is None: print(secret.consul_key, bcolors.FAIL, "x", bcolors.ENDC, " missing") elif not secret.check(data["Value"].decode('ascii').strip()): print(secret.consul_key, bcolors.FAIL, "x", bcolors.ENDC, " wrong value") else: print(secret.consul_key, bcolors.OKGREEN, "✓", bcolors.ENDC) print() def gen_secrets(self): print(":: Generating missing secrets...") for (_, secret) in self.secrets.items(): _, data = consul_server.kv.get(secret.consul_key) if data is None: value = secret.generate(None) if value != None: print("PUT {} = {}".format(secret.consul_key, value)) print(bcolors.OKCYAN, "Value set.", bcolors.ENDC) else: print(bcolors.WARNING, "Skipped.", bcolors.ENDC) print() def rotate_secrets(self): print(":: Rotating secrets...") for (_, secret) in self.secrets.items(): print(": {} ({})".format(secret.consul_key, secret.__class__.__name__)) _, data = consul_server.kv.get(secret.consul_key) if data is None: value = secret.generate(None) else: value = secret.generate(data["Value"].decode('ascii').strip()) if value != None: print("PUT {} = {}".format(secret.consul_key, value)) print(bcolors.OKCYAN, "Value set.", bcolors.ENDC) else: print(bcolors.WARNING, "Skipped.", bcolors.ENDC) print() def check_secrets(modules): for mod in modules: print("==== MODULE `{}` ====".format(mod)) modcfg = Config(mod) modcfg.check_secrets() print("") def gen_secrets(modules): for mod in modules: print("==== MODULE `{}` ====".format(mod)) modcfg = Config(mod) modcfg.gen_secrets() modcfg.check_secrets() print("") def rotate_secrets(modules): for mod in modules: print("==== MODULE `{}` ====".format(mod)) modcfg = Config(mod) modcfg.rotate_secrets() modcfg.check_secrets() print("") # ----- old ---- # ---- CHECK COMMAND ---- def check_secrets_services(secrets): print("Checking secrets for LDAP service users...") services = get_secrets_services(secrets) for svc_name, svc in services.items(): for dn_key in svc["dn_at"]: _, data = consul_server.kv.get(dn_key) if data is not None: got_val = data["Value"].decode('ascii').strip() if got_val != svc["dn"]: print(svc_name, "wrong DN at", dn_key, bcolors.FAIL, "x", bcolors.ENDC) print("got:", got_val, "instead of:", svc["dn"]) if svc["pass"] is None: print(svc_name, bcolors.FAIL, "no password stored", bcolors.ENDC) else: for pass_key in svc["pass_at"]: _, data = consul_server.kv.get(pass_key) if data is not None: got_val = data["Value"].decode('ascii').strip() if got_val != svc["pass"]: print(svc_name, "wrong pass at", dn_key, bcolors.FAIL, "x", bcolors.ENDC) l = ldap.initialize(LDAP_URL) try: l.simple_bind_s(svc["dn"], svc["pass"]) print(svc_name, bcolors.OKGREEN, "✓", bcolors.ENDC) except Exception as e: print(svc_name, bcolors.FAIL, e, bcolors.ENDC) print() # ---- GEN COMMAND ---- def gen_secrets_services(secrets, regen): print("Generating LDAP service accounts...") services = get_secrets_services(secrets) for svc_name, svc in services.items(): print("----") print("Service:", svc_name) print("Description:", svc["desc"]) for dn_key in svc["dn_at"]: _, data = consul_server.kv.get(dn_key) if data is None or data["Value"].decode('ascii').strip() != svc["dn"]: print(bcolors.OKCYAN, "Setting DN", bcolors.ENDC, "at", dn_key) consul_server.kv.put(dn_key, svc["dn"]) if svc["pass"] is None or regen: print(bcolors.OKCYAN, "Generating new password", bcolors.ENDC) svc["pass"] = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(token_bytes(12)).decode('ascii') l = ldap.initialize(LDAP_URL) try: l.simple_bind_s(svc["dn"], svc["pass"]) except: fix_service_user(svc) for pass_key in svc["pass_at"]: _, data = consul_server.kv.get(pass_key) if data is None or data["Value"].decode('ascii').strip() != svc["pass"]: print(bcolors.OKCYAN, "Setting password", bcolors.ENDC, "at", pass_key) consul_server.kv.put(pass_key, svc["pass"]) print() def fix_service_user(svc): print("Fixing service user", svc["dn"], "...") l = get_ldap_admin_conn() res = l.search_s(svc["dn"], ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "objectclass=*") pass_crypt = ldap_salted_sha1.hash(svc["pass"]) if res is None or len(res) == 0: print(bcolors.OKCYAN, "Creating entity...", bcolors.ENDC) l.add_s(svc["dn"], [ ("objectclass", [b"person", b"top"]), ("displayname", [svc["desc"].encode('ascii')]), ("userpassword", [pass_crypt.encode('ascii')]), ]) else: print(bcolors.OKCYAN, "Resetting entity password", bcolors.ENDC) l.modify_s(svc["dn"], [ (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "userpassword", [pass_crypt.encode('ascii')]) ]) # ---- MAIN ---- if __name__ == "__main__": for i, val in enumerate(sys.argv): if val == "check": check_secrets(sys.argv[i+1:]) break elif val == "gen": gen_secrets(sys.argv[i+1:]) break elif val == "rotate": rotate_secrets(sys.argv[i+1:]) break else: print("Usage:") print(" secretmgr.py [check|gen|rotate] ...") # vim: set sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 ft=python et :