# Cryptpad backup [secrets."backup/cryptpad/backup_restic_password"] type = 'user' description = 'Restic password to encrypt backups' [secrets."backup/cryptpad/backup_aws_secret_access_key"] type = 'user' description = 'Backup AWS secret access key' [secrets."backup/cryptpad/backup_restic_repository"] type = 'user' description = 'Restic repository' example = 's3:https://s3.garage.tld' [secrets."backup/cryptpad/backup_aws_access_key_id"] type = 'user' description = 'Backup AWS access key ID' # Consul backup [secrets."backup/consul/backup_restic_password"] type = 'user' description = 'Restic password to encrypt backups' [secrets."backup/consul/backup_aws_secret_access_key"] type = 'user' description = 'Backup AWS secret access key' [secrets."backup/consul/backup_restic_repository"] type = 'user' description = 'Restic repository' example = 's3:https://s3.garage.tld' [secrets."backup/consul/backup_aws_access_key_id"] type = 'user' description = 'Backup AWS access key ID' # Postgresql backup [secrets."backup/psql/aws_secret_access_key"] type = 'user' description = 'Minio secret key' [secrets."backup/psql/aws_access_key_id"] type = 'user' description = 'Minio access key' [secrets."backup/psql/crypt_public_key"] type = 'user' description = 'A public key to encypt backups with age' [secrets."backup/psql/crypt_private_key"] type = 'user' description = 'a private key to decript backups from age' # SSH target config (do we still use this?) [secrets."backup/target_ssh_host"] type = 'user' description = 'Hostname of the backup target host' [secrets."backup/target_ssh_port"] type = 'user' description = 'SSH port number to connect to the target host' [secrets."backup/target_ssh_dir"] type = 'user' description = 'Directory where to store backups on target host' [secrets."backup/target_ssh_user"] type = 'user' description = 'SSH username to log in as on the target host' [secrets."backup/target_ssh_fingerprint"] type = 'user' description = 'SSH fingerprint of the target machine (format: copy here the corresponding line from your known_hosts file)' [secrets."backup/id_ed25519"] type = 'user' multiline = true description = 'Private ed25519 key of the container doing the backup' [secrets."backup/id_ed25519.pub"] type = 'user' description = 'Public ed25519 key of the container doing the backup (this key must be in authorized_keys on the backup target host)'