# General configuration [secrets."directory/guichet/web_hostname"] type = 'user' description = 'Public hostname from which Guichet is accessible via HTTP (e.g. guichet.example.com)' # Mailing configuration [secrets."directory/guichet/smtp_user"] type = 'user' description = 'SMTP username' [secrets."directory/guichet/smtp_pass"] type = 'user' description = 'SMTP password' [secrets."directory/guichet/smtp_server"] type = 'user' description = 'SMTP server address (hostname:port)' [secrets."directory/guichet/mail_from"] type = 'user' description = 'E-mail address from which to send welcome emails to new users' [secrets."directory/guichet/mail_domain"] type = 'user' description = 'E-mail domain for new users (e.g. example.com)' # S3 configuration [secrets."directory/guichet/s3_endpoint"] type = 'user' description = 'S3 endpoint URL' [secrets."directory/guichet/s3_bucket"] type = 'user' description = 'S3 bucket in which to store data files (such as profile pictures)' [secrets."directory/guichet/s3_region"] type = 'user' description = 'S3 region' [secrets."directory/guichet/s3_access_key"] type = 'user' description = 'Garage access key for Guichet profile pictures' [secrets."directory/guichet/s3_secret_key"] type = 'user' description = 'Garage secret key for Guichet profile pictures'