#!/usr/bin/env python3 import shutil,sys,os,datetime,minio,subprocess working_directory = "." if 'CACHE_DIR' in os.environ: working_directory = os.environ['CACHE_DIR'] required_space_in_bytes = 20 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bucket = os.environ['AWS_BUCKET'] key = os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] secret = os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] endpoint = os.environ['AWS_ENDPOINT'] pubkey = os.environ['CRYPT_PUBLIC_KEY'] psql_host = os.environ['PSQL_HOST'] psql_user = os.environ['PSQL_USER'] s3_prefix = str(datetime.datetime.now()) files = [ "backup_manifest", "base.tar.gz", "pg_wal.tar.gz" ] clear_paths = [ os.path.join(working_directory, f) for f in files ] crypt_paths = [ os.path.join(working_directory, f) + ".age" for f in files ] s3_keys = [ s3_prefix + "/" + f for f in files ] def abort(msg): for p in clear_paths + crypt_paths: if os.path.exists(p): print(f"Remove {p}") os.remove(p) if msg: sys.exit(msg) else: print("success") # Check we have enough space on disk if shutil.disk_usage(working_directory).free < required_space_in_bytes: abort(f"Not enough space on disk at path {working_directory} to perform a backup, aborting") # Check postgres password is set if 'PGPASSWORD' not in os.environ: abort(f"You must pass postgres' password through the environment variable PGPASSWORD") # Check our working directory is empty if len(os.listdir(working_directory)) != 0: abort(f"Working directory {working_directory} is not empty, aborting") # Check Minio client = minio.Minio(endpoint, key, secret) if not client.bucket_exists(bucket): abort(f"Bucket {bucket} does not exist or its access is forbidden, aborting") # Perform the backup locally # Via command-line: # pg_basebackup --host=localhost --username=$PSQL_USER --pgdata=. --format=tar --wal-method=stream --gzip --compress=6 --progress --max-rate=5M try: ret = subprocess.run(["pg_basebackup", f"--host={psql_host}", f"--username={psql_user}", f"--pgdata={working_directory}", f"--format=tar", "--wal-method=stream", "--gzip", "--compress=6", "--progress", "--max-rate=5M", ]) if ret.returncode != 0: abort(f"pg_basebackup exited, expected return code 0, got {ret.returncode}. aborting") except Exception as e: abort(f"pg_basebackup raised exception {e}. aborting") # Check that the expected files are here for p in clear_paths: print(f"Checking that {p} exists locally") if not os.path.exists(p): abort(f"File {p} expected but not found, aborting") # Cipher them for c, e in zip(clear_paths, crypt_paths): print(f"Ciphering {c} to {e}") try: ret = subprocess.run(["age", "-r", pubkey, "-o", e, c]) if ret.returncode != 0: abort(f"age exit code is {ret}, 0 expected. aborting") except Exception as e: abort(f"aged raised an exception. {e}. aborting") # Upload the backup to S3 for p, k in zip(crypt_paths, s3_keys): try: print(f"Uploading {p} to {k}") result = client.fput_object(bucket, k, p) print( "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format( result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id, ), ) except Exception as e: abort(f"Exception {e} occured while upload {p}. aborting") # Check that the files have been uploaded for k in s3_keys: try: print(f"Checking that {k} exists remotely") result = client.stat_object(bucket, k) print( "last-modified: {0}, size: {1}".format( result.last_modified, result.size, ), ) except Exception as e: abort(f"{k} not found on S3. {e}. aborting") abort(None)