## Build Cryptpad being not NixOS native, an upgrade must be done in 4 steps: 1. Bump the cryptpad version in `common.nix` 2. Rebuild the Nix lock files for the dependencies 3. Build the package for Nix 4. Create a container from the Nix package To bump the nix version, set the desired tag in `common.nix` in the `cryptpadVersion` entry. Set the corresponding commit in the `cryptadCommit` field, its goal would be to detect unwanted update of the tag. To rebuild the lock files (they are stored in the `nix.lock` folder): ``` nix-shell --run "update_lock" ``` To build cryptpad: ``` nix-build ``` Create the container: ``` docker load < $(nix-build docker.nix) docker push superboum/cryptpad:??? ```