job "nix2-example-batch" { datacenters = ["dc1"] type = "batch" group "example" { # Simple example: how to run a binary from a Nixpkgs package # By default, this will use nixpkgs from github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-22.05 # as a base system, as defined in the agent config file. # This could be overridden by setting nixpkgs = "another flake" # inside the config {} block task "nix-hello" { driver = "nix2" config { # Packages contains a list of Nix flakes to include in the environement. # Entries that start with # will be relative to nixpkgs. # Otherwise, they are flake names that are passed directly to Nix build packages = [ "#hello" # equivalent to "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-22.05#hello" ] command = "hello" } } # This example show how to setup root CA certificates so that jobs # can do TLS connections # Here, a Nix profile is built using packages curl and cacert from nixpkgs. # Because the cacert package is included, the ca-bundle.crt file is added to # /etc in that profile. Then, the nix2 driver binds all files from that # profile in the root directory, making ca-bundle.crt available directly under /etc. # Reference: see task "nix-curl-ssl" { driver = "nix2" config { packages = [ "#curl", "#cacert" ] command = "curl" args = [ "" ] } env = { SSL_CERT_FILE = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt" } } # This example show how to use a flake defined from a file task "nix-hello-flake" { driver = "nix2" config { # Packages contains a list of Nix flakes to include in the environement. # Entries that start with # will be relative to nixpkgs. # Otherwise, they are flake names that are passed directly to Nix build packages = [ ".#hello" ] command = "hello" } template { data = file("flake.nix") destination = "flake.nix" } } } }