# wgautomesh `wgautomesh` is a simple utility to help configure a full-mesh wireguard network. It does not assume that all nodes have a publicly reachable address. It uses a gossip protocol to broadcast the endpoint addresses nodes use to talk to one another. This way, even if nodes A and B are not able to communicate directly initially (both behind NAT), if they can both communicate with node C then they will indirectly be able to know each other's NAT-ed address and port. They will then try to connect to one another using those addresses, which should allow NAT hole punching. Features: - does not assume all nodes are publicly reachable - configuration very similar to `wg-quick`: each node needs a list of the credentials of all other nodes in the mesh - `wgautomesh` does not create a wireguard interface, it assumes it exists and merely configures the peers attached to it - ultra simple encrypted gossip protocol over UDP (bincode encoding + xsalsa20poly1305 symmetric encryption) - automatic discovery of nodes in a same LAN using UDP broadcast (if enabled, nodes will prefer connecting to one another using their LAN IP addresses when available) - can automatically open ports in your router using IGD/UPnP **`wgautomesh` only tries to establish connectivity to the peers specified in its config file**, it does not provide facilities for dynamically adding more peers like many wireguard configuration tools do.