# Just Enough Doc ## Run `simple` example This example is meant to show basic service-based IMAP server with boitalettres library. - [Source code](../examples/simple.rs) ```shell $ cargo run --example simple ``` If you want to trace this `simple` example with the [`tokio-console`](https://github.com/tokio-rs/console/tree/main/tokio-console) utility, run: ```shell $ RUSTFLAGS="tokio_unstable" cargo run --example simple --features "tokio/tracing" ``` - [Basic python testing script](../scripts/test_imap.py) ```shell $ python scripts/test_imap.py ``` ## Notes - The library use the `tracing` library for logging, a basic setup is shown in the `simple` example with the `tracing-subscriber` crate. ## References - [`imap-codec`](https://docs.rs/imap-codec): IMAP protocol model+encoder/decoder - [`tower`](https://docs.rs/tower): Service-based request handling library