InsecureSkipVerify = true defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"] [entryPoints] [entryPoints.admin] address = ":8082" [entryPoints.http] address = ":80" [entryPoints.http.redirect] entryPoint = "https" [entryPoints.https] address = ":443" compress = true [entryPoints.https.tls] [ping] entrypoint = "admin" [retry] [acme] email = "" storage = "traefik/acme/account" entryPoint = "https" onHostRule = true [acme.httpChallenge] entryPoint = "http" [api] entryPoint = "admin" dashboard = true [consul] endpoint = "" watch = true prefix = "traefik" [consulCatalog] endpoint = "" prefix = "traefik" domain = "" exposedByDefault = false [metrics] [metrics.prometheus] # -- below is for traefik 1.7 see entryPoint = "metrics" # default to "/traefik" buckets = [0.1,0.3,1.2,5.0] # default buckets # -- options below seem to ONLY be for traefik v2 # addServicesLabels = true # addEntryPointsLabels = true