job "garage-staging" { type = "system" priority = 90 datacenters = [ "neptune", "jupiter", "corrin", "bespin" ] update { max_parallel = 1 stagger = "1m" min_healthy_time = "10s" } group "garage-staging" { network { port "s3" { static = 3990 } port "rpc" { static = 3991 } port "web" { static = 3992 } port "k2v" { static = 3993 } port "admin" { static = 3909 } } task "server" { driver = "nix2" config { packages = [ "#bash", # so that we can enter a shell inside container "git+", ] command = "garage" args = [ "server" ] bind = { "/mnt/storage/garage-staging/data" = "/data", "/mnt/ssd/garage-staging/meta" = "/meta", } } env = { RUST_LOG = "garage=debug", } # files currently owned by root, we don't want to chown everything user = "root" template { data = file("../config/garage.toml") destination = "etc/garage.toml" } template { data = "{{ key \"secrets/consul/consul-ca.crt\" }}" destination = "etc/garage/consul-ca.crt" } template { data = "{{ key \"secrets/consul/consul-client.crt\" }}" destination = "etc/garage/consul-client.crt" } template { data = "{{ key \"secrets/consul/consul-client.key\" }}" destination = "etc/garage/consul-client.key" } resources { memory = 1500 memory_max = 3000 cpu = 500 } kill_signal = "SIGINT" kill_timeout = "20s" service { name = "garage-staging-rpc" tags = ["garage-staging-rpc"] port = "rpc" } service { name = "garage-staging-s3-api" tags = [ "garage-staging-api", "tricot", "tricot-add-header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *", "tricot-site-lb", ] port = "s3" check { port = "admin" type = "http" path = "/health" interval = "60s" timeout = "5s" } } service { name = "garage-staging-k2v-api" tags = [ "garage-staging-k2v-api", "tricot", "tricot-add-header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *", "tricot-site-lb", ] port = "k2v" check { port = "admin" type = "http" path = "/health" interval = "60s" timeout = "5s" } } service { name = "garage-staging-web" tags = [ "garage-staging-web", "tricot *", "tricot", "tricot", "tricot-add-header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *", "tricot-site-lb", ] port = "web" check { port = "admin" type = "http" path = "/health" interval = "60s" timeout = "5s" } } service { name = "garage-staging-admin" tags = [ "garage-staging-admin", ] port = "admin" check { name = "garage-admin-health-check" type = "http" path = "/health" interval = "60s" timeout = "5s" check_restart { limit = 10 grace = "90s" ignore_warnings = true } } check { name = "garage-tcp-liveness-check" type = "tcp" interval = "60s" timeout = "5s" check_restart { limit = 3 grace = "90s" ignore_warnings = true } } } restart { interval = "5m" attempts = 10 delay = "1m" mode = "delay" } } } }