job "ssb" { datacenters = ["neptune"] type = "service" group "go-ssb-room" { count = 1 constraint { attribute = "${attr.unique.hostname}" value = "caribou" } network { port "web_port" { to = 3888 } port "ssb_port" { to = 8008 } } task "go-ssb-room" { driver = "docker" config { image = "lxpz/amd64_go_ssb_room:1" readonly_rootfs = true ports = [ "web_port", "ssb_port" ] network_mode = "host" command = "/app/cmd/server/server" args = [ "", "-repo=/repo", "-aliases-as-subdomains=false", "-lishttp=:3888", ] volumes = [ "/mnt/ssd/go-ssb-room:/repo" ] } resources { memory = 200 } service { name = "go-ssb-room-http" tags = [ "tricot", ] port = "web_port" address_mode = "driver" check { type = "tcp" port = "web_port" interval = "60s" timeout = "5s" check_restart { limit = 3 grace = "90s" ignore_warnings = false } } } service { name = "go-ssb-room-ssb" tags = [ "(diplonat (port 8008))", ] port = "ssb_port" address_mode = "driver" check { type = "tcp" port = "ssb_port" interval = "60s" timeout = "5s" check_restart { limit = 3 grace = "90s" ignore_warnings = false } } } } } }